10 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Fixed speech bubble size on the Switch
Re-implemented speech bubble progress bars
Speech bubble movement tweaks
Re-implemented speech bubble fading
Fixed button prompt substitutions for 2-axes
Better embedded button prompt scale / position
Fixed case where speech bubbles wouldn't update input type
Fixed more warnings related to the new ButtonPromptIcon prefabs
Got rid of some legacy prefabs
Support for embedded button prompts in world-space text
First pass at making speech bubbles world space
Replaced a bunch of old button prompts with the new prefab
New speech bubbles are mostly working
Fixed bleed between sprites in pc-back.png
Fixed some issues with button prompts embedded in TMP text
Replace hint text with TMP_Text
Speech bubbles now use TMP_Text
Some fixes for button prompts embedded in TMP_Text
Can now embed button prompts in TMP text
TMP sprites can now use a Texture2DArray atlas
Fixed exception in the editor in Pxc_Animation
Added TMP as an embedded package
Replace [action/button/image] tags with xml-style tags
TMP: retire <action> tag
Add TMP test scene
TMP: Added OnGlobalPreRenderText event
TMP: Got <sprite=x> working with our resource system
Rename <image=x> to <sprite=x>
Fixed exception in stages without a GameManager instance
Support for <size> tags in FancyText