userJames Kingcancel

40 Commits over 122 Days - 0.01cph!

14 Days Ago
Facepunch.ActionGraphs 1.9 API changes
50 Days Ago
API changes
59 Days Ago
API changes
2 Months Ago
Fix transition label tooltips not always updating
3 Months Ago
Set SourceLocation when creating action graphs in editor
3 Months Ago
Fix #16 for NetworkSpawned objects
4 Months Ago
Delay behaviour fixes
4 Months Ago
Rework min / max delays
4 Months Ago
Select new items after pasting
4 Months Ago
Tab to flip selected transitions, Ctrl+D to duplicate selection
4 Months Ago
Can redirect (or clone) transitions by dragging (fixes #13)
4 Months Ago
Undo / redo (fixes #4)
4 Months Ago
Some tool tip tweaks
4 Months Ago
Transitions can have a delay window, or exact trigger time Fixes #11
4 Months Ago
Started adding shortcuts First pass at copy / paste (#8)
4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Slight state context menu tweak
4 Months Ago
Some more tweaking Make state actions into separate GraphicsItems too
4 Months Ago
Tooltips, cursors Some cleanup
4 Months Ago
Some transition label fixes
4 Months Ago
Can now interact with transition labels
4 Months Ago
Make transition labels into their own GraphicsItems
4 Months Ago
Fix broken transition bounds
4 Months Ago
Fixed #1
4 Months Ago
Call PrepareGeometryChange before moving TransitionItem Reset view on Home key press
4 Months Ago
Show red icons for erroring state actions too (#9)
4 Months Ago
Show red labels for invalid transition conditions / actions (#9)
4 Months Ago
Fixed #5
4 Months Ago
Added SendMessage( string ), transitions can listen for a message
4 Months Ago
Only broadcast transitions if networked
5 Months Ago
Some special state name handling
5 Months Ago
Fix default names for state actions
5 Months Ago
Show which states have enter / update / leave actions
5 Months Ago
UI tweaks Can edit enter / update / leave actions for states Fix transitions to self breaking everything, I'll implement them later
5 Months Ago
Fix deserialized graphs being super buggy
5 Months Ago
Context menu tweaks Animated transitions
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Enable nullables Rewrite state machines to not be GameObject based
5 Months Ago
Initial commit Get rid of Sandbox.Events references