userJames Kingcancel

36 Commits over 31 Days - 0.05cph!

Set SourceLocation when creating action graphs in editor
3 Days Ago
Fix #16 for NetworkSpawned objects
19 Days Ago
Delay behaviour fixes
19 Days Ago
Rework min / max delays
27 Days Ago
Select new items after pasting
27 Days Ago
Tab to flip selected transitions, Ctrl+D to duplicate selection
27 Days Ago
Can redirect (or clone) transitions by dragging (fixes #13)
28 Days Ago
Undo / redo (fixes #4)
28 Days Ago
Some tool tip tweaks
28 Days Ago
Transitions can have a delay window, or exact trigger time Fixes #11
28 Days Ago
Started adding shortcuts First pass at copy / paste (#8)
28 Days Ago
28 Days Ago
Slight state context menu tweak
28 Days Ago
Some more tweaking Make state actions into separate GraphicsItems too
29 Days Ago
Tooltips, cursors Some cleanup
29 Days Ago
Some transition label fixes
29 Days Ago
Can now interact with transition labels
29 Days Ago
Make transition labels into their own GraphicsItems
30 Days Ago
Fix broken transition bounds
30 Days Ago
Fixed #1
30 Days Ago
Call PrepareGeometryChange before moving TransitionItem Reset view on Home key press
30 Days Ago
Show red icons for erroring state actions too (#9)
30 Days Ago
Show red labels for invalid transition conditions / actions (#9)
31 Days Ago
Fixed #5
34 Days Ago
Added SendMessage( string ), transitions can listen for a message
35 Days Ago
Only broadcast transitions if networked
37 Days Ago
Some special state name handling
37 Days Ago
Fix default names for state actions
37 Days Ago
Show which states have enter / update / leave actions
37 Days Ago
UI tweaks Can edit enter / update / leave actions for states Fix transitions to self breaking everything, I'll implement them later
38 Days Ago
Fix deserialized graphs being super buggy
38 Days Ago
Context menu tweaks Animated transitions
39 Days Ago
39 Days Ago
39 Days Ago
Enable nullables Rewrite state machines to not be GameObject based
41 Days Ago
Initial commit Get rid of Sandbox.Events references