8,201 Commits over 3,837 Days - 0.09cph!
CHIPPY-200, CHIPPY-201: Custom stages show up in main menu again
CHIPPY-190: Some plugin menu cleanup
CHIPPY-202: Added menu icon data for plugin creation button
CHIPPY-202: Create Plugin button re-implemented
Added support for 24 bit PCM in custom music samples
Removed Csproj fixup script
CHIPPY-203: Updated example plugin template
Fixed case where plugin resources took lower precedence than built-in ones
Updated .gitignore
Fixed default starting planet being the first stage of the last campaign
CHIPPY-189: Campaigns go top to bottom, stages left to right
CHIPPY-189: Fixed how scrolling behaves when stage menu is rotated
Added an editor script to fix unity package references in csproj files
Migration to Unity 2018
Deploy to unity2018 branch
Some myserious other changes after migration
Fixed error when timer is visible
Merge branch 'unity2018'
Update Jenkinsfile, steamworks.app.vdf
Fixed error when timer is visible
Deploy to unity2018 branch
Some myserious other changes after migration
Fixed a divergence related to bullet pattern pooling
Fixed case where a timer is accessed when invalid
New TimerHandle system, trying to guarentee timers are recycled correctly
Fixed some cases where timers would get re-used
Added some navigation shortcuts in main menu
Switched button to browse campaign scores
Fixed case where pressing escape in the main menu won't toggle the corner menu
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Changed which action toggles corner menu in main menu
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Game over UI control tweaks
Fixed typo in onion boss json
Fixed NREs when unable to read json
Fixed json reading errors not being marked as errors
Can navigate back to main menu on game over
Can now restart stage on victory
Fixed being able to select hidden menu items during game over
Stage no longer stays paused on victory
Better JsonReaderException logging
Progress doesn't animate again when switching back to it while still paused
CHIPPY-188: Fixed lasers hanging around after their part dies
CHIPPY-188: Fixed lasers not rotating after last commit
CHIPPY-188: Fixed another possible case where laser lines might not be removed properly
Making extra sure laser rectlines aren't reused
Level select styling tweaks
Fixed some cases where pause / game over fadeing wasn't resetting
Added Planet.ToString()
CHIPPY-163: Fixed planet links being wrong colour when first entering menu
CHIPPY-187: Fixed returning to last selected stage
CHIPPY-183: Game over UI is now in the centre of the screen
Stage_Fading can now support custom fading from multiple sources
CHIPPY-185: Fixed not being able to use the restart button during game over
CHIPPY-184: Added sfx to progress bar
CHIPPY-182: Stage doesn't auto-restart on death
CHIPPY-182: Fixed pressing enter to restart on death not working
Fixed a couple of exceptions when not connected to steam
CHIPPY-175: Removed old progress notification thing
CHIPPY-175: Removed death progress UI connector
CHIPPY-175: Fixed game over UI position
Fixed stages not resetting
CHIPPY-175: Progress bar appears on death
CHIPPY-175: Working on death progress bar placement / styling
CHIPPY-175: Working on progress bar on pause / victory
CHIPPY-162: Moved victory UI to a prefab
Added public ScoringHandler property to GameStage
CHIPPY-173: Can now return to main menu from victory screen with one button press
Removed old victory UI
Added separate leaderboard corner menu icon
CHIPPY-162: Started working on new gameover / victory UI
CHIPPY-162: Basic new pause menu UI
CHIPPY-181: Added Stage_Scoring.HasCheated
Replays / scores aren't submitted if cheated
CHIPPY-181: Can now press L to instantly show victory screen
CHIPPY-180: Fixed another possible case
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
CHIPPY-180: Fixed sometimes using different paths for the same status effect key
Logging stage list for use on /watch page
Logging file quotas
Unit progress logging only for editor builds
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
CHIPPY-159: Some logging to investigate
CHIPPY-159: Fixed not setting paramCollection in FsmSetValueAction.Prepare
CHIPPY-137: Progress / score is now calculated at the moment of death