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Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs
* Fix display info of constructor node result output
Sort filtered node query by relevance
Make it easier to find constructors for Vector3 etc
Applies to constructors that were already [ActionGraphNode]s
Make node queries less strict
Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#7024
Fix display info of constructor node result output
Use new MoveMode API for climbing
Move PlayerController.Animation behaviour to MoveMode (#1716)
Move PlayerController.Animation behaviour to MoveMode
Move PlayerController.Animation behaviour to MoveMode
Move code around
_Very_ rough first pass at MoveModeClimb
Use IClimbingMode interface in PlayerController
Instead of hard-coded checks for MoveModeLadder
Half-res reflection, fix water fog
Update .gitignore
Fix multiple cameras causing dynamic shadow artifacts
Co-authored-by: samzanemesis <sam@sampavlovic.com>
Exaggerate broken shadows
Tweaked multicam shadow scene
Added multicam.brokenshadows.scene
Add IHotloadManaged.Persisted()
Add ReflectionCache utility, internal for now
Lazy evaluate expensive reflection, auto-clear on hotload
Call RunAllStaticConstructors before hotload
Instead of them running at unexpected times during hotload
Use ReflectionCache for SandboxedUnsafe.IsAcceptablePod
Fix possible error during hotload, if a static constructor called this
Scene ref gizmo: show one entry per graph, most recently triggered
Expose Local/World transform shorthands to ActionGraph
Fix duplicate GameClosing panels
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Fix record struct not using primary constructor
Make action graph prefab variables sort of work
They don't set the right ISourceLocation yet, so they'll open the wrong asset when editing
Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6880
Action prefab variable test
Add action graph clean up tool
ActionGraph: disable way of creating invalid references
Was possible to reference components etc as constant values for properties, should use scene.ref nodes instead
Final final final water tweaks (final)
Basic post-processing when underwater
Fix reflection camera priority
Water tweaking
Use oblique near clip plane trick for water reflections
Restore AssertNoGraphErrorsInScene test
Fixes #1709
Lazy-initialize NavMesh GeneratorPool
Expose BoneCollection / Bone to ActionGraph
Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6878
Be very careful about when we load assemblies in LoadNetworkTables
Only warn once if Json serialization happens during a hotload
Fix mirror to use oblique near clip plane
Fix mirror to use oblique near clip plane
Some final water tweaks (for now)
Mirror tweaks to fix aspect ratio, add resolution scale
Fix lighting in reflection, no fog yet though
Fix clip distance when under water
Fudge water shader reflection UVs to fix gap
Enable #nullable
Playing around with a water shader
Add tags from world object to chunk SceneObjects
Only use cameras for load origins if no LoadOrigin components in scene
Support new server message protocol
Message sending cleanup, send more than one edit per message