14,350 Commits over 2,800 Days - 0.21cph!
Finally fixed backdrop config switching
No more pillars when drag placing rooms + economy changes
Marked basket as placeable so that a full basket can be set down in camp for people to eat from
Attachment Point containers will now resort their items when an item is dropped
Added a Use Attachment Points field to Container that parents items to attachment points in the container hierarchy. Recursively looks for a transform named "AP_XX" to parent to (eg. AP_06 or AP_12)
Hooked up two meshes to particle system shape components to stop chopped down birch trees from spamming warnings while playing - this was done on the prefabs directly, there could be changes needed on the TreeModelEditor to prevent this happening in future
Target keyword can now be used in Goal Plan Variant descriptions - fixes a bunch of in-game text showing {Target}
Marked take branch interactions on trees as Require Item Pick Up (branches were flying away when taken from trees)
UI tweaks
More UI
More UI
Added scroll views to a few menus
Can now purchase research staff
Added a WeaponEquipPoint field to CombatAbilityParameters to specify how a weapon should be held for the given combat ability. Set Bow-Shoot to LHand, everything else defaults to RHand.
Fixed combat ability selector not using the right target and failing all distance checks
Quivers now get equipped on back slots and are not held in hands
Fixed party movement distance check not working
Fixed a bad selector target in CombatAbilitySelector
UI tweaks
Can now lock reasearch rewards via level
Wip new background system
Got passenger names working
WIP broken name generation stuff
New pot plant prop and Luxury Need for premium passengers
Props can now be marked as interior or exterior only
Fixed a bad target blackboard read in SleepInTerritory
Added a Select Random Position in territory so that the animal would actually go to it's territory to sleep
Save games are now ordered recent first
Can now scroll room/prop selection
More child passenger stuff
Child passengers now unlock at level 3
Added a wip kick move for sword guys
Added a smoke teleport ability to the ranged enemy
Fixed AI getting stuck in attacking state
GoIdle animation event was being ignored if the unit was attacking, which prevented AI from switching to Idle
WIP child passengers + props that trigger animations
Added some helper meshes when placing props
Better main menu + terrible game logo
Passenger efficiency improvements
Some overworld/route placing polish
Building upgrades can be unlocked via the unlock system (set the required unlock in the upgrade parameters on the building), if no unlock is assigned the upgrade will be available
Added grass crafting unlock: Inspect grass to unlock grass upgrades for buildings and the grass bed
Locked pelt upgrades for buildings behind the basic leatherwork unlock
Filled in some missing data to make bear headress wearable/craftable
Made deer and bear headwear unlock definitions (unlock advanced leatherworking and inspect a bear/deer)
Refactored units into passengers (in preparation for staff)
Switched to linear colour space
Ships now have weight and power stats
Better part tooltips and start of more terminal types
Inventory screen
Backdrop changes material based on ship location
Units check if they can reach something before moving
Hopefully fixes people getting to out of reach locations
Exit is now a trigger, should prevent blockages when disembarking
100 new cities + filters to deal with them
More map tweaks and city changes
Fixed overworld location prefab id not saving
Saving overworld locations
Tracking popularity by city?
WIP location upgrade rework
More upgrade stuff
More location/inventory work
More stat stuff
Can now equip upgrades in locations
Terminal reworks
Fix routes not saving
Lots of fixes
More stats and upgrades
Placeholder terrain mesh for world map
Disabled an expensive gizmo
Inventory Items can now have extra description lines
Research balance tweaks
WorldShip now tracks what material it's over
Terminal reworks
Fix routes not saving
Lots of fixes
More stats and upgrades
Placeholder terrain mesh for world map
Disabled an expensive gizmo
Inventory Items can now have extra description lines
Research balance tweaks
Fixed wolf not being carryable
RTSCamera now remembers what unit it was following when saving/loading
Can now equip upgrades in locations
More location/inventory work
WIP location upgrade rework
More upgrade stuff
Tracking popularity by city?