14,339 Commits over 2,800 Days - 0.21cph!
Added a pictuire of the premium passenger to the level up screen
Props (and rooms maybe?) can now be locked by player level
Added the fire bomb to the loot array
Fixed effect added/removed activity definitions with old keywords
Fixed intro cinematic leaving cinematic camera enabled
New Fire Bomb projectile
Belt objects now store their projectile instead of using a if sequence on CharacterBase
Bomb carrying effect removal
Getting frozen while carrying a fire bomb will now trigger the bomb and clear the effect locally. Also works in the inverse for freeze bombs and fire traps.
Updated Whats New
Debug Widget now shows names of unused modules
Build settings
Fixed broken tooltip positioning
Deleting items now refunds full purchase cost
Might have finally fixed corridor rebuilds on deletion
Better wander behaviour
Some deletion improvements
Terrible engine props
Some basic post processing
Indicator for currently selected entity
Added camera clamping
Can no longer build or delete while a ship is travelling
New Coffee Station prop
+More tweaks/improvements
Debug Widget can now show lifetime module stats
Also fixed game not saving if a high score wasn't reached
Added a level cap
New passenger type, tied cash awards to stars and added a stats screen
New standardised hint widget
Unit refactor in prep for new passenger types
More UI tweaks
Timescale and UI fixes
Some overworld stuff
More overworld feedbcak
First pass on a delete mode
Custom tooltip for props and more need refactors
Fixed tribe members not being visible during the Tribe Create process
Stop EffectSettings errors when loading keywords that couldn't load in build (need to figure out why keywords aren't loading though)
Fixed load game screen not refreshing properly after deleting all saves
Build fixes and other misc stuff
Mostly fixed being able to skin/butcher corpses while they are being held by a unit
New Bed prop
Backdrop models, randomisation and movement
New 1x2 and 1x1 rooms plus more bug fixes
Some sick tooltip action
Added a light source to the fire trap
Some more info on Debug Widget
Lists what modules ahve been spawned as well as how many m,odules haven't been seen in this run.
Also added a custom spectator pawn so we can see the debug widget when running the game with simulate.
Switched GiftItem action to a CommandGenerator so the player gets specific options ("Gift Stone Axe") instead of the vague Gift Item (Gift Item) option they had before
Fixed menu initialising with Washed Up game mode but Lost and Found map selection
Fixed bad level up calculations
Star feedback and unit avoidance
Cash feedback and some bug fixes
Time of Day system now cycles through glow colours
+More Time of Day value tweaks
Increased burn damage on AI Units, breaking a torch now sets the attacking unit on fire
Some more changes to try and stop units waiting forever for thrown weapons that are no longer valid
Remove warmth check on animal Idle
Terminal restrictions and pricing
Visible trail when making routes, Shift click for multi place
More ship improvements
Icons and Stars
Pathfinding refactors
World stuff
Location upgrades
Start of entity purchasing systems
Misc improvements
-Overworld Camera now looks at the current ship when opening the overworld
-Added GoKit for tweens
-Scene loading improvements
-Can no logner build room outside of the ships bounds
Props/Rooms change colour to show if they can be palced at the given position
Initial commit
Initial content stuff
Starting gameplay stuff
PostProcess Stack
Facepunch Plugins
Basic room placement
More room stuff
Doorways and more placement stuff
Corridor and door stuff
Rooms can no longer be placed while overlapping
Camera controls
Unit needs, ship entrace and basic unit navigation
Fonts, prop placement, UI and more need stuff
More needs and interaction stuff
Lets of temporary colours/materials
Wander stuff
Scene loading stuff
Units will now automatically act on their needs
More need replenishment, new vending machine prop
New prop - Radio
Passenger details/Selection
Need state displays
Start of overworld stuff
Basic location import pipeline
Can toggle between ship and world views
Location Details panel
Can now set routes for ship from the overworld screen
Ship status UI
Ship controls refactoring
Added disembarking and embarking behaviours
Diplomacy widget updates status icons based on current relation
Hopefully fixed units waiting forever for thrown weapons that are thrown off a cliff and out of bounds destroyed
New Objective: Befriend A Tribe (added to Washed Up)
Axes and spears are now gifts (Improved versions are more valuable gifts)
New TribeDiplomacyTrigger type for detecting diplomacy changes
Can no longer breed with people from other tribes
Fixed some issues with gifting items
Combat animation changes
Melee bots will now finish their attack instead of stopping mid-animation
Override attack anims on AI characters are now an array that gets used randomly
New combo for Sword guy
MovementState is now set through a method on CharacterBase, not by directly setting the variable (makes debugging easier)
Added a new combo montage for the sword guy, randomly picks between that and the old behaviour
Fixed being able to climb on other unts
Added a GetAllActorsOfClass to DoLedgeTrace which is probably bad for performance - I think this was a recent regression (last successful steam build doesn't have this issue) so not entirely sure what's changed.
New combo for big sword guy
Just one attack, his size makes it difficult for animations to work (swings above players head, sword hits ground,etc)
Barrels can now burn
Wooden shields can now be set on fire and destroyed by fire
Status Effects applied to an actor are now automatically applied to any attached actors, so wooden shield gets set on fire when the holder is set on fire.
Grenades now do x3 damage when used by the player