
420 Commits over 883 Days - 0.02cph!

7 Months Ago
BoxShooter can only grab Prop models
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
No Collide Tool
8 Months Ago
Updated color tool; Right click removes color tint
8 Months Ago
Model Skin Changer
8 Months Ago
Search in Cloud Models
9 Months Ago
Remove unused show cloud models first
9 Months Ago
Cloud brass ejections
9 Months Ago
Add weapon tag so player doesn't collide with weapon. Clear weapon velocity before throw
9 Months Ago
Fix reload on mp5
9 Months Ago
Add weapon_mp5
9 Months Ago
Spawn Menu background tweaks
9 Months Ago
Add Noclip input action
9 Months Ago
.addon => .sbproj
9 Months Ago
Copy player anim params to viewmodel
9 Months Ago
1.5 local scale for pistol
9 Months Ago
Apply to cloud models too (whoops, ty @bakscratch)
9 Months Ago
Use own GameManager.OnDragDropped - create Prop instead of ModelEntity for breakables
9 Months Ago
Dampen speed for viewmodel bobbing offset to avoid jitter
9 Months Ago
Use toolgun
9 Months Ago
Fix viewmodel pitch and yaw delta
9 Months Ago
Add inertia damping to viewmodel (does calling this inertia even make sense for this anymore?)
10 Months Ago
Include menu content !
10 Months Ago
Menu/loading screen (placeholder, simple, horrible)
10 Months Ago
Make chat work again
10 Months Ago
Remove debug print Selecting a tool from the spawn menu properly selects the toolgun Lamp / Light entity: give solid tag Fix torch model physics being too complex and failing
10 Months Ago
Update parameter names on Fists weapon
10 Months Ago
Set deploy on viewmodels in OnAnimGraphCreated
10 Months Ago
Phygun and gravgun end grab on entity pre cleanup
10 Months Ago
Fix NRE when grabbed object with physgun is removed
10 Months Ago
Set anim helper VoiceLevel on server too
10 Months Ago
Use worldspace: false for view model camera stuff - hook in position offset
10 Months Ago
Update default map
10 Months Ago
Fix pistol creating wrong ViewModel type, should fix camera anim problems
10 Months Ago
Fixed ViewModel not applying camera rotation with animations driven from camera bone
10 Months Ago
Reload time matches reload anim better
10 Months Ago
Set up usp match bodygroups
10 Months Ago
Set up usp arms and anims
10 Months Ago
Fix resource paths Override pistol model with broken no-hands asset party version
11 Months Ago
Use actual beam pos for end of light beam
11 Months Ago
Add beam light to physgun
12 Months Ago
Fix overlapping usage of right joystick button
1 Year Ago
Use Actions
1 Year Ago
If we're holding run down, play run animation - else always walk
1 Year Ago
Added RPG weapon stub
1 Year Ago
Added temporary "giveall" command
1 Year Ago
Camera follow corpse on death
1 Year Ago
Fix wonky thirdperson camera
1 Year Ago
Fixed chatbox style warning
1 Year Ago
Restore respawn_entities command Restore kill and noclip commands