
11,174 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.36cph!

48 Days Ago
Fix build
48 Days Ago
Add unrecognised reference paths to asset inspector Remove legacy path from CMapAssetType::CalculateDependencies
48 Days Ago
Move light culling renderer to scenesystem and remove GetPtrValue hacks from it, we'll call it from lightbinner to pass results from light culling, layers still exist on renderingpipeline for ordering
48 Days Ago
Fix schema generation
48 Days Ago
Tweak painting to pixmaps to avoid invalid pen crash
48 Days Ago
Delete block tool scene object if creation gets cancelled
48 Days Ago
Support heightfield in CPhysicsShape::GetTriangulation
49 Days Ago
Unmangle SDL Steam Audio: check for AVX512 before using it
49 Days Ago
CollisionActionComponent, TriggerActionComponent These will all get deprecated with #1458 anyway
49 Days Ago
Make AssetSystem.IsCloudInstalled a bit safe EventSystem gets inner exception from TargetException WorldPanel mark panel as null when disabling Wrap ControlSheet in try get to prevent catastrophe
49 Days Ago
StyleSheetCollection replaces old parsed value when calling Parse Fix menu not loading in editor properly
49 Days Ago
Add Component.OnParentChanged Update GameObjectInspector.cs Create avatar.scene PanelComponent updates parent panel when changing parent
49 Days Ago
SourceLocation ILHotload test Use built-in FindNode( getInnermostNodeForTie: true ) for ILHotload #1492 Fix ILHotload handling SourceLocation attributes I'm not sure why it wasn't skipping before
49 Days Ago
Terrain default cast shadows off Heightmap import support mac byte order Remake heightmap/controlmap texture when importing at a different size Fix enums on ReflectionSerializedObject properties
49 Days Ago
Very basic editor tint when entering play mode sbox-issues/issues/4333
49 Days Ago
Fix showing project launch errors
49 Days Ago
Add mips to texture editor Fix GPU crash when ReadTexturePixels is provided a srcRect that exceeds texture size Terrain: Add splatting with layers, add heightmap imports, switch to editortool subtools
49 Days Ago
Gradient editor lets you press delete to remove the selected point Resolves sbox-issues/issues/4963
49 Days Ago
Move resize box to world space position before snapping it
49 Days Ago
Menu compile fix
49 Days Ago
Add SerializedProperty.ShouldShow() Start reworking ControlSheet so it can hide rows when ShowIf/HideIf is set Add gradient to user customization Clothing item gradient
49 Days Ago
Steam Audio Reflection (#1490) Reflections are re-enabled again. Be aware that right now only "static" colliders block audio.
49 Days Ago
Fixed a boo boo
49 Days Ago
Protect against invalid transform in CPhysicsBody::AddMeshShape, fixes crash some games are having
49 Days Ago
Tentative fix for #1492 This might lead to it falling back to normal hotloads more often, but at least it shouldn't throw.
49 Days Ago
ComponentFlags.NotNetworked. When a component has this flag, it won't be serialized in the scene snapshot or with a networked object when sent to other clients
49 Days Ago
Avoid throwing / catching exceptions when upgrading delegates (#1491) Was very slow when the debugger is attached
50 Days Ago
Don't EditLog if we're not in the Editor. EditLog separate from BreakFromPrefab because we don't wanna do that just because we're spawning a networked object in a running scene.
50 Days Ago
Interpolation Fixes w/ Ownership Change (#1494) 🤞
50 Days Ago
Bounds checking in izCreateBVH to be safe
50 Days Ago
Create prefabs by dragging objects from hierarchy to asset browser Resolves sbox-issues/issues/4740
50 Days Ago
Fix show grid toggle not being checked when grid is shown
50 Days Ago
Fix open scene list not updating when opening a prefab from asset browser Resolves sbox-issues/issues/4904
50 Days Ago
Order in groups too
50 Days Ago
Use order attribute in component sheet to allow property order
50 Days Ago
Forgot to add mesh icons
50 Days Ago
Add scene mesh tools
50 Days Ago
Remove these editor checks, we want to still update the mesh while playing
50 Days Ago
Polygon mesh and mesh component
50 Days Ago
handlebar_moustache fbx test
50 Days Ago
Cleanup Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs Allow [InitializedBy( null )]
50 Days Ago
Fixed AG undo/redo regression IResourceEditor.Changed event Fix save button not enabling for custom editors
50 Days Ago
Prop Static use material picker for override
51 Days Ago
Finally fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#4716 - reloading Map Instance when recompiled in Hammer
51 Days Ago
Fixed dragging prefabs into scene view sbox-issues/issues/5079
51 Days Ago
Add support for expression bodied methods for CodeGen. Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5025 Add test for expression bodied CodeGen method
51 Days Ago
Fix truncated context menu for some plugs
51 Days Ago
Slightly increase FOV on Viewmodel preview
51 Days Ago
Can drop into hierarchy (resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#4453)
51 Days Ago
F1 console: copy exception stack to clipboard when clicking entry (resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5038)