
11,168 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.36cph!

2 Months Ago
Don't enable network GameObjects that are not enabled
2 Months Ago
Close context menu on line edit submit Get rid of legacy code paths in DefaultUpgrader
2 Months Ago
When adding a collider, update the rigidbody's gameobject transform immediately to avoid offsets Formalize how Rigidbody attaches colliders, add tests Deserialize GameObjects as disabled, and enable when all children and components are created Tweak editor painting to avoid crash Lauinching
2 Months Ago
Network Authority / Permissions (#1457) * Can a connection create objects? * Send network destroy even if DestroyImmediate is called * Ownership authority flags * Let GameObject have [Sync] too (test) * Reorder enum, add [Expose] * Change up logic for can create objects - only check if we have a source * Default CanCreateObjects to true for now (this is current behavior) * Initial implementatior for ownership authority * Use NetworkAccessor for changing ownership authority. (Temp? Depending on review) don't use TL for set prop for Sync Vars * Initial implementation of Rpc authority * Remove a test log * CodeGen static array for attributes on a CodeGenerator method/prop now marked as [SkipHotload] and readonly, so they do update when changed * Make it CanSpawnObjects * CanSpawnObjects settable only by the host * Some renaming. Set OwnerTransfer direct on GameObject instead of method on NetworkAccessor * Make sure CanSpawnObjects is synchronized to clients when set from host via ConnectionInfo * Default CanSpawnObjects to true for now * When OwnerTransfer is Request, make actual requests to the host for Drop/Assign/Take ownership and if host approves, then host will send the messages to everyone to take that action. Each message will then validate if was received from host * Remove this for now, sus is later * CanSpawnObjects is always true for the host. Early out in NetworkSpawn if local connection can't spawn objects - why bother trying at all? * NetworkAccessor.SetOwnerTransfer method * Documentation fixes * Rename Rpc.HasAuthority to Rpc.HasPermission for consistency * Owner can always drop ownership * Allow owner transfer changing from current owner
2 Months Ago
Set saved gizmo settings way earlier, protect against stomping the settings instance Fixes sbox-issues/issues/4888
2 Months Ago
Add support for CSS `font-smooth`
2 Months Ago
Fix MultiSerializedObject propagating OnPropertyChanged Facepunch/sbox-issues#4885 Call GameResource.PostReload() after saving to disk Clears cached scene in PrefabFile Facepunch/sbox-issues#4885
2 Months Ago
Don't just use ClassName to serialize types in ActionGraph Fixed Facepunch/sbox-issues#4869
2 Months Ago
"Reset to Default" in the editor will look for DefaultValueAttribute, then get proper instance default intead of just bailing
2 Months Ago
Hash view ID to FindOrCreateFrameBufferScratchTexture as well to solve collision when we have multiple views with same resolution, eg with splitscreen Fix dynamic reflections and AO in viewported views Add compiled shaders for viewport shading fixes Texture barriers for SSR in multiple viewports
2 Months Ago
Fix component weirdness when cloning disabled objects
2 Months Ago
Add isolated CallbackBatch, use it when cloning. Fixes instances when cloning in OnEnabled etc would cause weirdness
2 Months Ago
Implement calc for CSS, make it so that dynamic units (vw/vh/expressions/etc.) all update correctly For sbox/issues/421, sbox-issues/issues/4753, sbox-issues/issues/723
2 Months Ago
Launcher: creating a new project uses Ident as the folder name instead of Title
2 Months Ago
Add some standard map entity definitions that we have loaders for: prop_physics, prop_animated, env_sky, env_gradient_fog, snd_event_*,
2 Months Ago
I hate this double launch solution Rename launcher project Lock project row button when launching
2 Months Ago
Context menu text entry cleanup, can edit graph inputs / outputs again
2 Months Ago
Protect against 0 width/height video modes and assert CHostedWidget::SizeToParent() don't change the video mode if height() is 0
2 Months Ago
Some PredictBestType fixes for operators Fixed legacy Get Game Object node appearing in node list again Some local instance node grouping cleanup
2 Months Ago
Early error when trying to open an invalid project
2 Months Ago
Forgot to force add this dll
2 Months Ago
Launcher only launches a single instance of each project
2 Months Ago
Create runtime buffers for dynamically created meshes so they can create trace data, allows them to be scene traced
2 Months Ago
Forward command line between sbox-dev and sbox-launch
2 Months Ago
Early out of CreateToolsTriangleList when there's no runtime buffers but also assert because ideally this should happen
2 Months Ago
CMapAssetType::CalculateDependencies suppress pointless upconversion of vmaps so we don't spend 30+ seconds doing so on initial load
2 Months Ago
Fix launcher layout to stop people obsessing
2 Months Ago
Silently ignore delete error when removing unknown cloud file Fix NRE when setting convar Fixed file not found when reading asset json If a model has no meshes, show error model instead Fix text cannot be empty exception in Graphic.Draw Assert on AssetType not null
2 Months Ago
Show stall source to everyone
2 Months Ago
ProjectList own file Run Asset.UpdateInternals() in parallel, empty project initial scan goes from 770ms -> 200ms Don't scan project filesystem twice
2 Months Ago
Fixed StructArrayConverter.BlockCopy Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#4794
2 Months Ago
More API updates
2 Months Ago
Update api urls
2 Months Ago
Fix double clicking sbproj not opening it Fix right click unsaved scene error
2 Months Ago
Add TaskSource.FromCanceled & TaskSource.FromException (fixes sbox-issues/issues/4807) Whitelist some Task properties Whitelist OperationCanceledException (fixes sbox-issues/issues/4806)
2 Months Ago
Don't focus on nothing (fixes sbox-issues/issues/4828) Escape deselects all (fixes sbox-issues/issues/4829)
2 Months Ago
Add right click menu in game list Fix DamageInfo breaking changes
2 Months Ago
Fixed #1459 Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs
2 Months Ago
Fixed pulses not always animating Fix expression node regression in legacy GetGameObjectNodeDefinition
2 Months Ago
Hide the settings option in the launcher to stop people obsessing over it
2 Months Ago
Fix exceptions in NavMeshToolbarWidget
2 Months Ago
Revert "Update a bunch of assets from kv to json" This reverts commit bd0bfe1240a001e9a121f099e20edb4cfffe5f2c. Upgrade those assets properly Fix conversion from keyvalue to json asset being fucked
2 Months Ago
Make RPC errors more useful
2 Months Ago
Fix project changes not saving
2 Months Ago
Let sbox-dev.exe -test pass through
2 Months Ago
Fixed ActionGraphResource
2 Months Ago
Init frustum as ortho when using ortho, fixes PointToScreenPixels. Obsolete OrthoWidth
2 Months Ago
Remove broken (deleted) projects from the ProjectList
2 Months Ago
Fix hotloading action graphs
2 Months Ago
Copy tags from GameObject for Legacy Particle System -> SceneObject In ParticleSpriteRenderer make sure we copy over tags from the GameObject to the SceneObject Internal ReadOnlyTagSet Parse kv tags into ObjectEntry.Tags and use them in SceneMapLoader to set any created sceneobject tags Copy tags from SceneObjects to MapObjectComponent GameObject Add some default tag from Hammer, light, text, particles Fix NRE Set some default tags for Particle and Light and Skybox components Better light tags