
159 Commits over 30 Days - 0.22cph!

7 Months Ago
Rescale body when setting transform with different scale
7 Months Ago
Simple debug drawing for sphere and capsule, they were drawing too much geometry
7 Months Ago
SweepBody, SweepBodyMultiple
7 Months Ago
Shape sweeping
7 Months Ago
Activate non solid contacts regardless of if neither is dynamic (triggers)
7 Months Ago
Pulley debug drawing
7 Months Ago
Port over pulley joint
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Create BVH and copy it to RnMesh_t (for tools)
7 Months Ago
BVH resource pointers point to rubikon data Swap these bits around in bvh node because that's the order rubikon has it
7 Months Ago
Use aligned vertices for RnMesh_t, convert post load if they're unaligned
7 Months Ago
Add materials back to BVH
7 Months Ago
Save RnHull_t on shape so tools can grab it later
7 Months Ago
Create RnHull from library hull, just copy everything over
7 Months Ago
Revert "Don't add hulls and meshes to aggregate if they fail to build (old data)" This reverts commit 54d7102f39ce1aca8dde5f84c4cb91070f953eb2. Revert "Abstract physics hull" This reverts commit 592ef2bbb12f7cb633735b58c7ff5f594c292715. Revert "Allow BVH to have optional material indices" This reverts commit 6ba259ea8f0271d3f59e7b138a07f691cc918c6f. Revert "Move CPhysicsMesh and CPhysicsHull to their own files" This reverts commit 9c6ca449f38b72260189f2dc093aa4325b96fee6. Revert "Abstract physics mesh, phase out RnMesh_t but keep around for loading old collision data" This reverts commit 883b63ad78c97bd879a9f64e14551ff13bebca5f. Revert "Start trying to phase out RnHull and RnMesh" This reverts commit 71878031f158215d4f40a4f1dc913827824394ba. Revert "Remove bullshit from RnHull and RnMesh to see if still loads and how" This reverts commit 288df9621dd0c6cb6de3e35b958cecc4cb267102. Try pointing hull resource pointers to rubikon data, much easier if works Resource pointer needs to use intptr_t Add a hull deep clone Cherry picked SAT fixes in library
7 Months Ago
Don't add hulls and meshes to aggregate if they fail to build (old data)
7 Months Ago
Abstract physics hull
7 Months Ago
Move CPhysicsMesh and CPhysicsHull to their own files Allow BVH to have optional material indices
7 Months Ago
Abstract physics mesh, phase out RnMesh_t but keep around for loading old collision data
7 Months Ago
Start trying to phase out RnHull and RnMesh
7 Months Ago
Remove bullshit from RnHull and RnMesh to see if still loads and how
7 Months Ago
Rescale bodies and joints on aggregate creation using aggregates scale
7 Months Ago
Support joint scaling
7 Months Ago
Support hull scaling
7 Months Ago
Support capsule scaling
7 Months Ago
Support sphere shape scaling Scale sphere debug shape transform
7 Months Ago
Port over shadow controller
7 Months Ago
Fix trigger touch events, skip contact AFTER activating it
7 Months Ago
Adjust inertia tensor based on the ratio of custom mass to computed mass
7 Months Ago
Shape AsSphere and AsCapsule
7 Months Ago
Remove shape creation from interface, used for getting hit point and normal from sweeps, should just have a function for it on interface
7 Months Ago
Make aggregate physics library agnostic
7 Months Ago
Implement some more annoying joint functions
7 Months Ago
Set joint local frames
7 Months Ago
Get joint local and global frames
7 Months Ago
Touch found, touch persists and touch lost Enable contact modification if touch persists is enabled Allow contacts to be flagged as non solid so they get reported but not resolved (triggers)
7 Months Ago
Non dynamic bodies mass center is bounds center for now
7 Months Ago
Compute mass for hull Compute mass for sphere and capsule
7 Months Ago
Remove game mass, unused
7 Months Ago
Do the same for HullCreateBox so we can get player hull starting to work
7 Months Ago
HullCreate with just the vertices until we have a shared hull class or interface
7 Months Ago
Store the original triangle index on BVH before it runs through mesh builder and sorting so we can get the original triangle and triangle material
7 Months Ago
Revert this, it cocks everything up, find a different way
7 Months Ago
Calculate mass for all bodies, not just dynamic, our API relies on it
7 Months Ago
Oops, wouldn't have worked, now it does
7 Months Ago
Traces get start solid from solver, not fraction being zero
7 Months Ago
Cast callbacks calls world ShouldHit, does some extra checking for static/dynamic
7 Months Ago
Save pre velocity for intersection notifications
7 Months Ago
Support body inertia scale
7 Months Ago
For aggregate CheckShapeOverlap, just use CastShape, that will handle meshes for us Fix body CheckOverlap, switch the test around when the shape is a mesh