
6,550 Commits over 3,378 Days - 0.08cph!

6 Years Ago
Fix tween ping pong so it works with any easing
6 Years Ago
Add tweening classes to Sandbox.Engine
6 Years Ago
Fbx morph target normal deltas
6 Years Ago
Add hat model from Citizen Add props from Citizen
6 Years Ago
Move proto textures to Citizen
6 Years Ago
Add Citizen addon to keep assets
6 Years Ago
Add tub ghost "clothing"
6 Years Ago
Only add morph target deltas then have a non zero length
6 Years Ago
Initial fbx morph target support
6 Years Ago
Print blend shape channel names
6 Years Ago
Add FbxObject and shape and deformer related functions to FbxGeometry. Try printing blend shape names.
6 Years Ago
Add FbxShape bindings
6 Years Ago
Add fbx blend shape bindings. Remove fbx wrappers and just make managed fbx classes public instead.
6 Years Ago
Add IAddonResources.MountPhysical to make it easier to mount a directory anywhere on disk
6 Years Ago
Arsing around with a kingpin addon. Mount paks and main game directory.
6 Years Ago
Apply import settings transforms in fbx loading
6 Years Ago
Add psd to list of texture formats we can load. Add proto textures.
6 Years Ago
Fbx mesh names use name without lod. Add Citizen textures.
6 Years Ago
Static mesh unique material slots are based on unique mesh names instead of unique materials, the same as skeletal meshes (so body parts can be toggled)
6 Years Ago
Clean up fbx binds using extensions Convert fbx scene to unreal axis system. Calculate fbx geometry node global matrix so meshes are transformed properly. Fbx geometry names. Parse LOD level from geometry name to support LODs
6 Years Ago
Use binded fbx classes instead of intptr Cleanup fbx importer and manager on dispose
6 Years Ago
Add FbxMesh.UVSetNames and GetPolygonVertexUV now takes a uv set name
6 Years Ago
Make fbx class bindings naked so they don't use shared ptr. Update bindinggen to add fbx casting.
6 Years Ago
Add fbxcast because fbx types don't work with dynamic_cast (really should have a custom way to specify casting)
6 Years Ago
Initial support for native fbx loading using fbxsdk (this will allow us to support morph targets)
6 Years Ago
Update Pure3D More Pure3D chunks Render block builder preview with outline. Fix runtime mesh occluding when using custom depth.
6 Years Ago
Empty builder menu to capture the mouse, open with Q
6 Years Ago
Use primitive builders for the block tool preview
6 Years Ago
Add primitive builders for linear and curved stairs
6 Years Ago
Fix out of range exception in mesh deserialize
6 Years Ago
Add Primitive Builders, properties of the builder get replicated instead of mesh data if the mesh is unmodified Add cylinder primitive builder
6 Years Ago
Add preview mesh for block tool Clamp block tool drag size and extrude distance
6 Years Ago
Copy used materials when cloning editable mesh
6 Years Ago
Hook up voice chat and text chat to map builder
6 Years Ago
Set mesh to modified after applying materials
6 Years Ago
Replicate editable mesh face material changes
6 Years Ago
Replicate material id too to keep lookup in sync
6 Years Ago
Replicate editable mesh material changes
6 Years Ago
Replicate editable mesh used materials, reference face materials with id
6 Years Ago
Switching selection mode recalculates selection bounds (could have 0 faces selected when switching from mesh to faces)
6 Years Ago
Fix cloning editable meshes on clients by spawning them locally first then spawning them on the server after releasing selection Merge branch 'master' of
6 Years Ago
Use grid snap size for block tool min extrude distance
6 Years Ago
Network extrude face
6 Years Ago
Use average face normal instead of triangle normal to planar map cube primitives
6 Years Ago
Align textures of every face when in mesh select mode
6 Years Ago
Network aligning face texture to worldspace
6 Years Ago
Fix not setting mesh ownership when editing faces
6 Years Ago
Setting mesh position requires ownership
6 Years Ago
Revoke mesh ownership when clearing selectables too
6 Years Ago
Reject mesh edits from players that don't have ownership Ask server to set mesh ownership on selection/deselection