7,659 Commits over 3,684 Days - 0.09cph!
Weld tool
Freeze/Unfreeze root parent entity
no collide tool
Clear ghost target when it's not longer valid
Make balloon the parent of the rope it's attached to so it removes when the balloon pops
Add WakePhysics and SleepPhysics. Wake constrained entities on remove.
Add safer BaseConstraint.IsEntityConstrained
Remove relevant constraints before removing entity
Move absolute pos rot scale to base entity. Use absolute scale for rope constraint so balloon rope is the same length regardless of balloon scale
Refactor tools to call left click on both client and server
Don't attach thrusters onto other thrusters, change their properties instead
Add spawn position offset to particles (spawn inside box) Add BoundingRadius and BoundingBox getters to world entity
Remover tool and remove effect
Add wooden crate props from rust
Replicate balloon tint material
Replicate balloon pop and color
Add balloon pop effect. Add start rotation and rotation rate to particle emitters
Balloons are damageable, pop when taking any amount of damage
Add a bullshit hitscan tool to punt stuff around and deal damage
Balloon tool and entity
Automatically find all tools and give them to player
Freeze/Unfreeze physics grabber
Move ghost to orbit position so everyone can see. Orbit scrolling.
Replicate tools by default
Press F to orbit camera around selected entity
Ignore movement when rotating with physics grabber. Add sandbox crosshair.
Tool selection hud
Tool switching
Thruster model
Thruster tool
Bump up bandwidth settings a shit load
Basic physics grabber tool
Move interp helper to engine addon
Flying ghost controllable replicated to other players. Add Angles network serializer.
Replicate and interpolate relative axis constraint rotation. Move interp helper to C#
Attempt to sync axis constraint
Cache and replicate relative attach transform so it's never fucked with
Update attach parent transform on PostNetReceive
Attachment replication test case
BaseEntity needs a root component to replicate properly
Don't replicate native static mesh, we replicate this ourselves
Make default postproc less ugly
Rename OnFinishSpawn and NetworkSpawn to OnAuthoritySpawn and OnRemoteSpawn. Spawn default post process entity client side, assert if accessed on non clients (dedicated server)
Initial sandbox gamemode commit
Fix clients not having a valid hud reference, fixes chat
Don't enable debug camera client side
Add new deathmatch map. Add help screen.
Turn friendly fire off by default
Style help screen to keep it consistent with everything else
Steal help screen from dice game for suicide barrels
Put weapons in their correct inventory order
Add weapon pickup weight (grenades have a small model so have less mass, need to make it heavy)
Add sniper sounds, don't zoom in while reloading or firing
Add sniper zoom toggle on alt fire
Hide view model when zoomed in with sniper
Allow weapons to scale owners view speed. Slow down view while zoomed in.