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Shape sweeps ignore attached actors of ignored actor, fixes thirdperson camera.
Line trace ignores attached actors of specified ignore actor. Fixed health pickup mesh in wrong position.
Fix weapon and health pickups
Fix getting stuck in walls
Better solution for using collision entities for controllables movement
Fixed player movement getting stuck on walls
Added HealthPickup
Test gamemode cleanup
Allow controllable to use separate entities for collision
Fixed weapon pickup weirdness when dropping on self. Weapon throwing inherits players velocity
Testing weapon drops/pickups, not perfect
Sphere, box, capsule collision shape entities used for triggers
Click to respawn, added get first and random spawn point
Controllables can change the size of their collision capsule
Added GetSocketPosition to BaseWorldEntity so both skeletal and static mesh entities can use it without casting
Fixed third person camera lagging a frame behind ragdoll
Removed singular from anim nodes. Added UObject map to stop managed UObjects from getting GC'd
Add force to death controller ragdoll
Helps if i named the folder correctly
Respawn timer, death camera
Fixed skeletal mesh material and visible sections replication
Added camera lag to spring arm camera
Added spring arm camera with collision
Added camera entity and added third person camera to player
Trigger anim notifies for blend spaces. Added trigger weight threshold.
Testing basic character movement
Started to replace character pawn with scriptable pawn
Fixed anim state machine not initializing state nodes
Fixed anim state machine looping previous blended sequence player
Initial support for anim blend spaces
Anim notifies work for sequence player and random sequence player
Add coreclr binaries (these should really be created with a script at some point though)
Added random sequence player anim node. Cleaned up anim node code.
Added state machine anim node. Playing correct anims for viewmodel.
Blend space and state machine nodes ready to implement
Initial skeletal animation system, supports sequence playing and two way blending
Replaced html crosshair with Draw2D crosshair
Materials can be loaded from file using the path in material constructor or uses the base material if it's not a file path.
Added Draw2D.DrawTexturedRect.
Transfer player controllable velocity to player model
Fix for client side footsteps. Only local player registers footsteps.
Disable controller collision on player death
Updated packages. Added dummy project to generate coreclr dlls. Testing shooting players
Printing enter/leave/death to chat. Added DestroyChildren property to BaseEntity so children are destroyed regardless of who destroys it.
Public attachment rule enum
Forgot to destroy children of children. Attaching entities to camera now uses relative attachment rule, fixing viewmodel when respawning
Destroying an entity can now destroy all children. Destroying viewmodel on player death