
6,559 Commits over 3,378 Days - 0.08cph!

2 Months Ago
Add joint break strengths to modeldoc
2 Months Ago
Support Scene.trace.Body (todo: multi, sweep)
2 Months Ago
Setting SceneModel.AnimationGraph to null resets to model animgraph instead of crashing
2 Months Ago
Fix ColorControlWidget popup not constraining to screen
2 Months Ago
Creating an invalid hull or mesh physics shape will always return a valid shape (tiny sphere) so warn when this happens
2 Months Ago
Title case and remove whitespace when creating new components
2 Months Ago
Add Rigidbody.MassOverride
2 Months Ago
Dont calculate mass for heightfield
2 Months Ago
Mesh contact checks IzConcaveShape
2 Months Ago
Heightfield shape
2 Months Ago
Use plane collider for some scenes
2 Months Ago
Add plane collider because I'm sick of thin boxes being used for floors
3 Months Ago
Sphere query broadphase
3 Months Ago
Ignore izShouldCollide(Body, Body) if one of the shapes is a sensor
3 Months Ago
ShouldCollide callback
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Joint break callback
3 Months Ago
Joint breaking
3 Months Ago
Joint active
3 Months Ago
Axis lock
3 Months Ago
Timeline component stores curves for properties, timeline editor edits curves for selected object
3 Months Ago
Add some more safety checks around joint creation
3 Months Ago
Remove joint from broken joint list before it gets deleted
3 Months Ago
Update shatter_glass.scene
3 Months Ago
Add shatter glass example component, it can live here for now
3 Months Ago
Add hit shape to damage info
3 Months Ago
Set damage position in player grabber shoot
3 Months Ago
Include hit location in DamageInfo
3 Months Ago
ModelPhysics gizmos sync to physics group
3 Months Ago
Make sure ModelPhysics always finds a root body to use as game object transform
3 Months Ago
Fix non animated ragdolls not applying physics bones properly
3 Months Ago
Fix typo in Map.CreateAsync?
3 Months Ago
Fix NRE in AssetPreviewWidget
3 Months Ago
Add root motion test
3 Months Ago
Add RootMotion to skinned model to get the calculated motion from animgraph since last frame
3 Months Ago
Add a test for FindInPhysics because chances are I'm going to forget this fix when izabu updates
3 Months Ago
Fix CastShape on mesh shape not returning hit fraction when toi is overlapped
3 Months Ago
Forgot to delete results
3 Months Ago
Add Scene.FindInPhysics( sphere ) and Scene.FindInPhysics( bbox )
3 Months Ago
Flip PhysicsContact normal and speed for the other collider
3 Months Ago
Hook up ModelPhysics renderer for prop_physics
3 Months Ago
Do a better job at keeping mass override applied
3 Months Ago
Some physics interface clean up
3 Months Ago
Reapply mass override when setting local mass center Add mass test
3 Months Ago
Remove shape before checking collision events, removing a shape can generate contact reports so they need to be removed Delete body after checking collision events
3 Months Ago
This is making physics debug draw super slow
3 Months Ago
I should probably initialize this!
3 Months Ago
Get rid of EnableLinearConstraint and EnableAngularConstraint, not supported and dumb
3 Months Ago
Support joint deactivation in izabu, this allows ragdolls to break joints, not just joint components Joint IsActive setter so any breakage can be reset
3 Months Ago
Remove max impulse from jointdesc, it's never used