258,010 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
Added case insensitive String.Compare extension method
Did Tools -> Update Prefab Names
Fixed deploying campfires etc through some building parts
Fixed wooden box guide not functional
Fixed foundation collision sometimes being 10cm high
Added trim to foundation triangle
updated vm bota bag prefab
Edited stone hatchet wm prefab
Added temp stone hatchet world model ( No lods as new stone hatchet is currently being modelled)
Fixed being able to build on unbuilt triangular frames
Fixed walls/railings placed on triangles facing inwards instead of outwards
Added new spawn filter category: topology
Fixed ores and northern field trees spawning on mountain summits
Allowed trees to spawn on mountains, as long as they're not high enough for snow
Re-added rock clutter on dirt
Increased the number of bushes in open fields
Fixed stone hatchet having broken holdtype
- Fixed a rendergroup issue introduced by last commit
- Added missing impact effects for some material types
- Removed support for CSMuzzleFlashes and CSMuzzleX in scripted weapons (should now be handled directly in Lua)
- Adjusted addon file extension whitelist
Fixed sleeping bag owner id not surviving a load
Fixed hammer hitting slow
Fixed all compile warnings (apart from inconsistent newline bullshit)
Removed some unused shaders
Added script to find unused shaders (which is mostly useless)
Dropping items now uses player eye angles properly
Fixed prefab warning when prefab has caps in name
Made some changes to the Unit Settings based on Bill's input.
Another pass at getting these Unit Settings properly formated.
[ultimate_soldier] tweaked aimer, and it renders on top of everything now
[ultimate_soldier] tweaked aimer, and it renders on top of everything now
[ultimate_soldier] bullet holes
[ultimate_soldier] bullet holes
Don't report each attack (performance)
Fixed not being able to walk up stairs (made collider convex)
Fixed craft cancel refund dupe exploit/bug
Updating native libraries (should fix linux issues)
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/arcade
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/arcade
[ultimate_soldier] shooting affects aim
[ultimate_soldier] shooting affects aim
Fixed Steamworks Callback dispatcher working incorrectly in 64 bit builds.
Fixed Steamworks Callback dispatcher working incorrectly in 64 bit builds.
- Added render.MaterialOverrideByIndex(index, material), Entity:SetSubMaterial(index, name) and Entity:GetSubMaterial(index)
- Entity:SetModelScale second argument is now optional (defaults to 0)
- Fixed an exploitable vulnerability from Lua
- Fixed broken eye flexes and blinking
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/arcade
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/arcade
[ultimate_soldier] cant hit yourself while firing
[ultimate_soldier] cant hit yourself while firing
Slight adjustments on forest 5 and 6.
Updated native plugins
Terrain heightmap feature size scales with inverse of frequency
Terrain heightmap generation now supports per-biome settings (will be useful in the future)
Tweaked biome distributions
Improved biome transitions
Tweaked terrain splatmap
Tweaked forest size and frequency (not final, it just broke with the noise algorithm update and I had to do some adjustments)
Protocol++ (this means servers have to restart - you can stop asking me now)
JavaScript source code for scripted games is now compressed when packaged.
JavaScript source code for scripted games is now compressed when packaged.