258,082 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!

11 Years Ago
LinuxDS Build 126
11 Years Ago
Testing font weights on OSX
11 Years Ago
Generating splines at intersections.
11 Years Ago
Windows Build 136
11 Years Ago
LinuxDS Build 124
11 Years Ago
Linux Build 224
11 Years Ago
OSX Build 216
11 Years Ago
Windows Build 135
11 Years Ago
Linux Build 223
11 Years Ago
LinuxDS Build 122
11 Years Ago
Working on unit specific mechanics.
11 Years Ago
More FreeType OSX progress
11 Years Ago
OSX Build 215
11 Years Ago
Windows Build 134
11 Years Ago
Added GM:EntityNetworkedVarChanged(ent, name, oldValue, newValue) (clientside only for now)
11 Years Ago
LinuxDS Build 120
11 Years Ago
Linux Build 222
11 Years Ago
OSX Build 214
11 Years Ago
Windows Build 133
11 Years Ago
Fixed build error on OSX caused by last commit
11 Years Ago
LinuxDS Build 118
11 Years Ago
Windows Build 132
11 Years Ago
More progress on FreeType rendering
11 Years Ago
Added automatic property renaming to conform to javascript nomenclature.
11 Years Ago
Added automatic property renaming to conform to javascript nomenclature.
11 Years Ago
Added experimental Lua project to be ignored by premake.
11 Years Ago
Added experimental Lua project to be ignored by premake.
11 Years Ago
Premake script now should use the correct search path for unity DLLs on mac.
11 Years Ago
Premake script now should use the correct search path for unity DLLs on mac.
11 Years Ago
If a file is given to the premake script as the location of Unity at first execution, that file's directory is now used.
11 Years Ago
If a file is given to the premake script as the location of Unity at first execution, that file's directory is now used.
11 Years Ago
Fiddled around a bit with batching settings, but to no avail. Looks like it's broken in b4 :-/
11 Years Ago
bakey bakey
11 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] moved some stuff out of GameStage into a Player class
11 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] moved some stuff out of GameStage into a Player class
11 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] card factory, card event callbacks
11 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] card factory, card event callbacks
11 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] more refactoring
11 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] more refactoring
11 Years Ago
changed the pickaxe hit sound so it's synched better with the animation
11 Years Ago
adjusted attck animations of all view models so it lands in the center of screen. set up the alternate attacks for the boneknife, and salvaged_axe
11 Years Ago
mecanim behaviour script that will handle alternate animations to be played for the attack
11 Years Ago
nullified the weapon bob when the player is aiming down the sights
11 Years Ago
Experimental lua support, not quite working.
11 Years Ago
Experimental lua support, not quite working.
11 Years Ago
Premake script now requests the location of unity assemblies when first executed.
11 Years Ago
Premake script now requests the location of unity assemblies when first executed.
11 Years Ago
Updated .gitignore
11 Years Ago
Updated .gitignore
11 Years Ago
Removed Unity DLL files from source control.