258,056 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!

11 Years Ago
Going home. In the middle of updating to add calls to road vertex so that they also update. Tangents could do with being changed a bit especially around intersections.
11 Years Ago
Fix for assemblies not being resolved within unity.
11 Years Ago
Fix for assemblies not being resolved within unity.
11 Years Ago
Leaving game sends the last frame data. Recompiled Bolt to increase event byte array limit from 256 to 800. Added missing icons.
11 Years Ago
Leaving game sends the last frame data. Recompiled Bolt to increase event byte array limit from 256 to 800. Added missing icons.
11 Years Ago
Tweaked forest clutter to form nicer clusters
11 Years Ago
Refactored game packaging / loading to resolve assemblies automatically.
11 Years Ago
Refactored game packaging / loading to resolve assemblies automatically.
11 Years Ago
Build Settings are now loaded for subscenes automatically and forwarded into GameScreen, even in built runtimes.
11 Years Ago
Re arranged some the arc code and selectable stuff. Can now split arcs. Can now split road section
11 Years Ago
Added ResourceLibrary project
11 Years Ago
Added ResourceLibrary project
11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Fixed bug in AIPart (this explains the teleportation)
11 Years Ago
re-made bota bag vm prefab & transfered scripts ( as everytime something changes on the model it breaks the prefab)
11 Years Ago
updated bota bag vm deploy anim + meta data
11 Years Ago
Added polys to bottom of cork (as it can be seen in shot)
11 Years Ago
Updated bota bag vm anim (more force)
11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
More AILocomotion adjustments in another attempt to fix animals teleporting to origin
11 Years Ago
Tweaked forest distribution (more snowy trees)
11 Years Ago
GameCabinet.Pause now accepts a byte array containing the last frame to display, or null to display an empty frame.
11 Years Ago
GameCabinet.Pause now accepts a byte array containing the last frame to display, or null to display an empty frame.
11 Years Ago
Reverted spawn debug logs
11 Years Ago
Doubled some forest densities (performance test, requires server restart)
11 Years Ago
Bugged me that this line was there :D
11 Years Ago
Fixed server not saving config files on quit
11 Years Ago
GameCabinet.EndLocalControl now uses a PausedEventArgs, which holds the last frame rendered and serialized game state if the game supports it.
11 Years Ago
GameCabinet.EndLocalControl now uses a PausedEventArgs, which holds the last frame rendered and serialized game state if the game supports it.
11 Years Ago
Rock hit sounds, screenshake Fixed weapon sounds effects sometimes not playing
11 Years Ago
Added fps.limit X (where X = max fps, default = -1 = no limit)
11 Years Ago
Fixed issues related to playing a build version.
11 Years Ago
Cleanup all the things even more
11 Years Ago
More cleanup
11 Years Ago
Auto-updated terrain asset files (5.0.0b3)
11 Years Ago
Cleanup step, taking out a lot of deprecated ngui stuff.
11 Years Ago
Added a frame pan to Camera FreeMode, while holding middle mouse button
11 Years Ago
Added missing meta files (just folders, nothing serious)
11 Years Ago
Added delay to melee attacks Fixed bolt rifle ironsights being wrong ViewModel.scene: Viewmodel switching button list ViewModel.scene: Right click look around, wsad move ViewModel.scene: Added melee hit button (plays "attack", then plays "attack2" on "Strike" event ViewModel.scene: Selects animation on viewmodel change in editor ViewModel.scene: Remembers last open viewmodel Converted rock, torch, hammer melee viewmodels to new system
11 Years Ago
Time of Day update to 2.2.1 prerelease 1
11 Years Ago
Added movement to Camera Free Mode... seems to have fixed the transform resets too..!?
11 Years Ago
More impact particle effect shader updates
11 Years Ago
Updated Bolt to latest version. Fixes highscore syncing without editing source.
11 Years Ago
Updated Bolt to latest version. Fixes highscore syncing without editing source.
11 Years Ago
Update CabinetScreen.cs
11 Years Ago
Update CabinetScreen.cs
11 Years Ago
Javascript games can now be packaged, basic communication with the Javascript engine is functional.
11 Years Ago
Javascript games can now be packaged, basic communication with the Javascript engine is functional.
11 Years Ago
Added GrassSpawn.Tapering parameter Tweaked grass prefab
11 Years Ago
Log parser more compatible