257,967 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
[memory_dungeon] removed Task class
Fix for coroutine awaitables iterating prematurely.
Fix for coroutine awaitables iterating prematurely.
Item module "Container" can now have default items
Camp fire now created with wood inside
Added Tools/Update Effects Prefabs to verify that the fx prefabs are valid
Fixed fx prefabs without recyclers, with disabled recyclers
More work on the AI solution, this time focusing on the AI Manager, adopting ideas from Rust's AIHandler, but also working it in more tightly with how Totem works.
Fixed cabinet entities missing GameCabinet scripts.
Fixed cabinet entities missing GameCabinet scripts.
[memory_dungeon] coroutine/task stuff mostly
[memory_dungeon] coroutine/task stuff mostly
[mazing] removed space from script directory names
[mazing] removed space from script directory names
Added assembly meta files to see if that fixes an issue with new clones.
Added assembly meta files to see if that fixes an issue with new clones.
Now forces the use of gmcs rather than mcs for Unix systems.
Now forces the use of gmcs rather than mcs for Unix systems.
Added commands to copy required libraries to Binaries for GamePackager.
Added commands to copy required libraries to Binaries for GamePackager.
Possible fix for incorrect path separators on Macs.
Possible fix for incorrect path separators on Macs.
Fixed missing System.Core reference.
Fixed missing System.Core reference.
Added Unity/Assets/Plugins/Editor to source control.
Added Unity/Assets/Plugins/Editor to source control.
Build a 64bit windows version, for 64bit windows
Updated EAC launcher/server to latest version
Added Steam installscript for EAC
Removed extraneous bones from the snow jacket, hazmat jacket, helmet, and gloves, and from the basic tshirt
Upgraded premake to recent development build, removed prepackaged game files.
Upgraded premake to recent development build, removed prepackaged game files.
fixed the location of the fire particle effect on the torch viewmodel.
rigged the "salvaged_axe" weapon and finishd the deploy anim
added several impact sounds that can be used for blunt / sharp objects hitting various surfaces ( metal/rock/flesh/etc..)
Premake script now generates game project files.
Premake script now generates game project files.
Fixed that most rocks were being placed underground
Changed terrain generator and spawn handler resolutions to factors relative to the terrain size
updated hammer vm source anims
changes to hammer anim controller
Added hit anim for hammer when building