258,099 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
UVs are still a little messed up but they'll do for now. Still way better than it was anyway.
Still missing some calculations I need to work out based on road direction and segment direction being different.
Disbale error logging in editor (crash, freezing etc)
Skinned meshes update their bounds on demand instead of every x seconds
Fixed warning in PlayerInventoryAnimation because of missing ikWeight param
Disabled Am auto register objects
Player spec map (fudged, workable)
Set scene ambient to hemisphere (seems to fit better overall, especially since the terrain still uses legacy shaders)
Updated ore textures (this should really be done by an artist, but I think we might replace the meshes altogether?)
Labelled player animations with "PlayerAnimations"
Made sure all player animations were using the RustPlayer avatar
Made ikWeight use animation curves instead of calling SetIKWeight
Undone everything goosey did yesterday (fixes broken player animation, sorry dude)
Added a CSteamID extension function to format a SteamID, why isn't this in Steamworks already? Showing SteamID above heads to check they're working.
Added a CSteamID extension function to format a SteamID, why isn't this in Steamworks already? Showing SteamID above heads to check they're working.
Syncing SteamIDs for when voice chat needs them (these can be spoofed until I add steam authing on the server)
Syncing SteamIDs for when voice chat needs them (these can be spoofed until I add steam authing on the server)
Added Steamworks.NET, made SteamVoiceChat class for P2P Steam voice chat.
Added Steamworks.NET, made SteamVoiceChat class for P2P Steam voice chat.
Quick fix for lat-based atmospheric blend
added the torch and rock animations to the mecanim controller; adjusted the timings on some of the movements to lessen some of the "foot sliding" going on
Generating meshes. Got a new plan for intersections and end caps.
UV's are still a slight pain in the fucking arse.
Updated water adjustment script
Updated sky prefab and scene render settings
Deleted TerrainGenerator test scene (shit's so fast now it's no longer required)
AdaptiveReinhard tonemapping still broken on OS X (sorry)
Time of Day update to 2.1.2 prerelease 3
changed the SetIKWeight animation events so it works with the Mecanim Synch layer stuff; Set up the last of the remaining weapon anims for mecanim
-added a workaround to a mecanim bug that was breaking the SetIKWeight function
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Highscore broadcasting event is now triggered when a new highscore is submitted.
Highscore broadcasting event is now triggered when a new highscore is submitted.
Added highscore registering and transmission interfaces.
Added highscore registering and transmission interfaces.
Added latitude-based atmospheric blend component; only does color LUTs atm
Preparing amplify color for 2-way latitude+day-night blend
jog and running animations done for the player holding rock
Initial commit of source files. Needs serious cleanup and standardisation.
Initial commit of project ported to U5, mostly broken and messy for now.
rigged view model bota bag
Added first pass bota bag view model source anim
Tweaked camera, sky
Added ProceduralSmall map
Animals now spawn everywhere (instead of just forests)
Done the rest of the road cases. Need to test splines are created in the right order and generate meshes from them. AGAIN...
Fixed player model not playing walk animations (NaN mechanim shit)
- Road position is now calculated properly.
- Meshes now have their own game objects instead of getting combined. Will need an optimise button though.
Replaced SmashBlox's demo.
Replaced SmashBlox's demo.
Fixed a bug related to getting the UVs of a non-square sprite that had somehow gone unnoticed.
Fixed a bug related to getting the UVs of a non-square sprite that had somehow gone unnoticed.
Merge branch 'master' of arcade