258,112 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
Removed shadow softener until it's updated for Unity 5 support
Removed some #if UNITY_5_0 stuff I added before since the build server is now updated
Fixed 32bit windows build not copying coherent libraries properly
Removed some unneeded server debug output
Fixing CoherentUINet.dll complete fuckabout
Changed render-path to new deferred
Disabled motion blur properly, in effects convars
Player materials
Disabled Amplify Motion until D can fix it for U5
Fixed always being underwater (collider.bounds seems to be wrong in Unity5)
64bit Steam DLL for playing in the editor
Automatic code fixes (coherentUI, Colorful, FogVolume, Shatter, Ranged Ambient)
- Fixed func_tank not turning and not firing tracers in multiplayer
- Fixed clients attempting to fire their active weapon while holding a prop or controlling a turret
- HTTP() now supports "head", "put" and "delete" as methods
- Added a bunch of requested headers to HTTP request results
Fixed HUD pickup notifications occasionally causing errors before the local player becomes valid
Saving a colder TOD xml for the upcoming multi-biome support.
Suddenly the TestLevel coast is a bit chilly.
added temp main menu to connect to a server and to choose player name
added temp chatbox for in-game chatting
added temp main menu to connect to a server and to choose player name
added temp chatbox for in-game chatting
- Fixed scenes not always being properly loaded from VCD files
- Fixed secondary ammo indicator not showing up on the default HUD
- Added mat_viewportscale to the list of blocked convars
- Renamed Insurgency to "Insurgency ( Source Mod )" in mountable games list
- Removed CLuaParticle:VelocityDecay
- Fixed CLuaParticle:SetNextThink not working as intended
- Adjusted default font to be consistent with HL2DM
- Fixed up secondary ammo HUD positioning
- Fixed slight rendering artifacts when drawing rounded boxes at low alpha
- Fixed scripted weapons not working correctly with the baseclass system
Added Tilemap.SetTile and Tilemap.ClearTile.
Added Tilemap.SetTile and Tilemap.ClearTile.
crouchwalk/jog aninations for the player + pistol;
Added input box for IP:port to connect to and player name to be sent to server once connected.
Added input box for IP:port to connect to and player name to be sent to server once connected.
Loot panel now properly shows all containers
Corpses have a seperate clothes container (prep for clothed corpses)
Started to add the validation rules.
Need to tidy up when a new edge fails the rules.
Initial work on tile maps.
Initial work on tile maps.
Fixed misc sentry errors
Log server errors to a seperate sentry
Switched OS X build to 64bit in preparation of Unity 5
Fixed menu not showing up
Tagged all clothes as clothes
Fixed some of the new clothes not having collision
Fixed errors when hitting someone in their burlap trousers
Added component to dress players, for dev tests
Implemented Tom's chestplate item - with damage handling http://goo.gl/qMVsBm
Fixed PlayerWalkMovement checking terrain colliders for isTrigger
Made water always render before any other transparent objects since sorting doesn't work with it
Changed how SpawnFilter deals with carved terrain
Made all scripts that want to access TOD_Sky use TOD_Sky.Instance