258,242 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
Temporarily added TestLevelTrees
Mismatched green on leaves125.
Organizing minor secondary trees
updated anim controller for torch. Now contains lit idle / attack / hit triggers
new exported anims for the torch
Fixid some missing materials on snow rocks, removed height blending from the shader as the normal map is doing most of the work now.
Fixed rcon console variables not working
Minor changes:
Adjusted the way the world model of a weapon is set when drawn on the local player
Fixed physgun constantly trying to drop and grab a prop its owner is currently standing on
Merge from terrgen
Fixed missing material references on almost all snow rocks (careful with material meta files)
Grid Containers now survive assembly reloads
Updated spawn handler prefab
Added min/max values to all filter types, added temperature filter
fixed Renegade leaving timescale at zero on quit
Save userlist properly
Print to server console when an owner/moderator joins
Added Camera and Mouse scripts and prefabs. Still tidying HEM.
Fixed user/ban list not loading on dedicated server
Started work on some minor secondary trees for various forest types.
Fixed billboard fading on 6-4.
Fixed some colliders and a floating tree.
Tree combo test that I'm leaving inside TestLevel.
Improved the inconsistent light-bleed between billboards and meshes on forest 7's.
finished all the crouch/walk/run animations for the player holding rifle
Created torch 'attack' & 'hit' anims from the new'lit' position
updated torch extinguish anim to to start from 'lit' position
Fixed server compile error (please review)
Fixed issue with rock shader causing black flickers on the screen. Improved blending for overlay layer on the rock shader. Moved rocks mats into subfolders.
Fixed material of scaled rocks forgetting its texture references
Done some more tidying to the HEM system.
Added server administration boilerplate
Force grass and decor to refresh all outdated patches if the origin position changed by more than one patch
Can now place campfires etc on foundations etc
Fixed not being able to extend foundations
Fixed a few inconsistent billboard import settings
Created IContainable vertex halfedge and face!
Copy Steam binaries for Linux DS