258,105 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
I think those can be deleted
Moved decor prefabs to resources folder
Changed decor spawner to load prefabs from resource folder
Fixed terrain texture normal maps (we generate from grayscale until petur finishes his textures)
Switched terrain texture compression to automatic
Fixed terrain noise import settings
Split the decor system into two parts
Dynamic objects are spawned and despawned around the camera as the player moves
Static objects are spawned once at level start (will basically replace the decor spawn method in TerrainGenerator)
Made the decor system splat type selectable
Minor cleanup in the grass system code
Time of Day update to 2.0.8 prerelease 1
less shit stack trace in errors
Save memory by setting up voice data on demand, instead of allocating buffers for each player object
outdoor torch with lods and alike.
Handle terrain bounds correctly when spawning grass and decor
Refactor some terrain generation code
Error logger - always generate our own stacktrace
Added public size and water level accessors to TerrainMath
Added stacktest command
Added further checks to client.connect
sprint left/right animations
Only send errors once
Properly complete the stack trace if it's missing
Recompiled JS with -bare option
Added HUD UI html example and updated test scene
Fixed bow viewmodel prefab creating errors
Fixed editor errors when running client only
Deleting WebPlayerTemplates again
Error logger, add current dll timestamp
Merging HUD UI and angular app setup
Added HUD UI with angular
Enabled read/write on terrain textures - which apparently fixes the "Failed to get pixels of splat texture" error
Fixed client "same key already exists in the dictionary" with string pooling
Use software HTML rendering. Which is a shitload faster for some reason!
Added Sentry error reporting
Moving HTML stuff around a bit - using angularjs
Fixed not saving properly
Added editor menus to load/save
Changed WorldItems item network updating from ticking to event based (server performance++)