256,611 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Asset save
Added Wander Ability
Aded Goal : Idle under Goal : Self - Social
Packed smooth/blurred slope information (steepness) into coarse Terrain_Height; tweaked/fixed ocean foam (#404)
Added single channel options to custom\blur shader
Lots of data changes
Added MachineCanProcessItem Condition
Re-wrote how target filtering works in UnitDecisionMaker (cc ptrefall please take a look)
▆▆▅▆▌▉▋ ▆▄▅▇▋▌▄▅▉ ▍▆▉▄▋▊-▋█▇▄ ▅▅▅▅▋█▅ ▆██▄▊▋▄▄
Cowboy - south west & west run anims +.meta
Cowboy - south west & west run anim source
Changed some stuff around, fixed some stuff. Need to put it all back together in a cool way.
rebaked lightmap, tweaked main light, added glow and particle effect to icons
Fixed rogue beep sound in the menu options
Removed in-game store (opens link to Steam Item Store)
- Added a crosshair curstor to M/K mode
- Disabled light cookie for aiming laser in M/K
- Disabled aiming laser in M/K
- More M/K tweaks
Fix for roadside decor sometimes spawning too close to each other
Don't remove global entities (trees, etc) from the send queue when clearing
Made DebugBestGoalPlanVariant not derp out as easily when target are not a unit.
EntityCondition/BuildingFilterSet improvement
EntityConditionSettings.DecisionLayer == Any
Added StoreTarget Action
Removed Xmas event from default event schedule
Reorganized event schedule (now prefab based)
Rain forces more fog and clouds
Rain tends to be more intense when it happens
Atmosphere fog reduces view distance more intensely
Added a big more Decision Debug Log output for agents, that we can clearly read where we find Best Goal, Best Goal Plan and Best Goal Plan Variant.
Steamworks - new branch layout
Don't spawn grass on the cliffside topology
Fix for occasional floaty decor objects
rebaked lightmaps, added read ruins and stones
Fixed speedtree facing leaf inverted lighting
Optimized the check for whether we've traversed the entire decision space, so that we don't check unless our traversal memory is at least as big as the decision space.
GoalSettingsEditor will force DecisionPlan.ScoreForDecisionMaking to false if the Goal has no plans or children in data
We weren't rejecting on comparison with traversal memory quite the right way. Fixed now.
Fixed DecisionLog resetting when editor is paused
- Aiming laser now ends at cursor position and passes through everything when in M/K input mode
- Input controllers now set the global control type in their init
Removing legacy water shaders, see if that works
Changed rust/terrain blend shader to preserve albedo detail in all quality levels; tweaked lower levels
baked and textured temple stone props max
cleaned up and named this properly
Added OpenGLCore to Windows build settings (for asset bundles on the build server)
Fixed CreateActivityActionSettingsEditor not inheriting from base
Added a lot of animation param actions back into Interaction ActionChains
Made human gathering use 3 states in mechanim (in/loop/out) cc frankieh
Fixed fruit bush missing collider/lod
Renaming some Actions
More \nature\grass test files.
rebaked all lightmaps for new unity version. added stone ruins and blocks, added vines at back of court, textured trees
merging files
Can melee attack + build while swimming
Error text vertex overflow (UnityUI sux)
Hid some harmless warnings "Trying to add (Layout Rebuilder for)"
textured final trees, added new hanging vines
Boilerplate for auto muting/kicking chat spammers