256,530 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
UE starter content. Some Vive calibration.
rigged up the semi_auto rifle
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Automated Linux DS Build #108
Automated Windows Build #108
Automated Linux Build #108
* Fixed clientside SteamID spoofing
* Switched spammy serverside console output to DevWarnings
* Attempted blind crash for for TestHitboxes crash
12751 - Fix Quarry engine sound not being marked as a looping sound.
12751 - NRE in MiningQuarry.Start()
Raven version use buildinfo hour float
Send the last few lines of console when reporting bugs/errors
Fixed "perf 1" not showing
improved the special fx on the m249 to show the little belt link pieces being ejected
FOR FUCK SAKE wip alcohol pump
FOR FUCK SAKE directional light set normal bias to 0
FOR FUCK SAKE rebuilt asteroid tile set
!A wip Fan model
Ported StatLinkerSettings to StatLinkerParameters
Added top level Group Goals
Cheat reporter lets you choose a player to report
Fixed player nametag showing up when player is dead
Updated anim states
Added missing owl states
- Creeper enemy basic test
status command is dev/admin only
FOR FUCK SAKE wip alcohol pump
!A factory texture
Fixed entity send backlog when jumping between spectate targets too quickly
Bear has more health
Bear attack stronger
Wolf has more health
Wolf attack faster
On error or exception, show temporarily on screen
Fixed blueprint sorting bullshit
Uncraftable blueprints have more alpha
Fixed santas little helper skin not showing
Fixed turret loot panel not using prefab icons
Destroy the nametag properly
Added cowboy to anim viewer
Added dives to owl controller
Updated anim scene
Cowboy - backhand volley stand, body & stretch anims + metas
Cowboy - backhand volley stand, body & stretch anim source
Save edited prefabs to disk when building
Nametag performance tweaks
Tighter player model LOD'ing
Profiling & optimisation
BehaviourGroup cleanup, editor tweaks to support goals and fix DSE params issue