256,323 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Fixed NRE in InputState, resulting in not being able to use any controls
Code lock uses 1 lodgroup instead of 2
Fixed the 2 keylock meshes being registered with two LODGroups / no LODGroups (cc Helk)
Fixed bug where we were updating tick modifier value rather than modifier value.
Storing failed Stat semantics cleanup on a failed branch, probably never to be loaded back up again...
- DecisionMakerSettings and Maslow Weight store public fields, not properties and private fields
- DMS.MaslowWeights is initiated with an element for each DPL
- DecisionMakerSettingsEditor cleanup
Don't record/update framerate if console is open
Uncompressed ambient sounds (for playback perf)
Fixed RUST-293 (foundation steps cannot be placed in some situations)
Clamped skin darkness to compensate for sss darkening; toned down overall shininess (#297)
Fixed visit webpage not working when connected to server
Removed numpad graphic quality debug keys
-removed Warmth need, as we decided it's easier to just check for necessary warmth in a consideration, cleared various statcollections of it.
-added considerations for NeedForWarmth and NeedForCold
- Added spawners to outdoor rooms and set spawn budgets for the rooms
- Rebuilt outdoor prefabs
- Increased buzz saw cooldown 7->12
Updated phrases - with hopefully non sweary russian versions
- Added floor collision and Floor script to Asteroid rooms
- Rebuilt asteroid scene prefabs
- Made some terrible icons for barricade, deathrow and laserlink
- Disabled loot dropping of abilities
Wearables fixed, I think.
- AbilityList now equips speed boost and random offensive + utility abilities each level
- AbilityList can now return a random ability of specified category
- Disabled Reaper Bros ability because it's shit
Cowboy rig updates ( new arm setup)
- Fixed Item.IsCarryable not returning the right field from PhysicalParameters
- Fixed GPV BehaviourChain not resetting properly
- Unit+Wearables tweaks
- Some item view APO data
- Added Unlocked property to AbilitySO (defaults to true) so individual abilities can be ignored when abilities are auto loaded (for disabling specific abilities in builds)
- AbilityList now ignroes any locked off abilities
- Nuked "to be phased out" stuff in Units/Human
- Renamed human_female body mesh to include the word "body" for HumanView setup purposes
- Dem prefab
Female is broken not sure why
Fixed not falling when chat open etc
Foundation placement check fix in tight spots
Mouse wheel default switch
set the bandage to use the correct worldmodel
tweaked the syringe size so it no longer looks like an oversized dildo
Cowboy rig update ( original ik arm setup, blends reconnected)
Fixed Standard-BlendLayer shaders in lower LODs (#286); switched LODs 100 and 200 to SM2 while I'm at it
FOR FUCK SAKE force update room prefab
!A wip prefab
FOR FUCK SAKE dim spot light glow
Fixed the Eoka pistol's flint spark not playing
FOR FUCK SAKE adding collision to asteroid block
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid prefab, minimap display
eoka cost changes and ammo type changes
DefaultModelImporter makes sure we always search project wide for materials using the model's material name
created temple outer trees and exported. created temple outer trees diffuse map
added background trees to temple court. working up roots. created new background tree shader. tweaked grass outer shader to fade out properly. adjusted lighting