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9 Years Ago
created LODs for the waterbucket worldmodel and setup the prefabs
9 Years Ago
- Super basic planet spawning. 20% chance of an outdoor room spawning a planet. Lots of problems. Just a quick test.
9 Years Ago
- Fixed PlanetGenerator so we can have multiple planets
9 Years Ago
Ambience sting timing tweaks
9 Years Ago
AudioClip import settings
9 Years Ago
Fixed BehaviourPlanSettingsWrapper not storing EntitySettings where it should have
9 Years Ago
- DecisionPlanParametersDrawer tweaks, foldout - Fixed Foldouts in GoalSettingsEditor - Renamed DecisionPriorityLevels
9 Years Ago
Corpse fly swarm sounds
9 Years Ago
- Level now builds lists of indoor/outdoor rooms once level has been built - LevelBuilder wip planet spawning (commented out)
9 Years Ago
Sand, snow, cloth, clothflesh bullet impacts + misc bullet impact fixes
9 Years Ago
Emerge from water screen effect textures.
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE light wall prefab, rotated 15 degres down to fix random light culling FOR FUCK SAKE factory prefab room for the light change
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Underwater particle effect script
9 Years Ago
Backup in case this wrecks the terrain.
9 Years Ago
- Room culling code tidy/optimise
9 Years Ago
Tree impact tweaks
9 Years Ago
Ambience tweaks
9 Years Ago
Subtractive merge cs 12346 - because unity crashes if bundles are > 2gb and we ain't got time for this bullshit
9 Years Ago
Changed splatmap resolution bias
9 Years Ago
Bandage sound tweaks
9 Years Ago
stone hatchet soft strike sound tweak
9 Years Ago
Large fire sound tweaks
9 Years Ago
Window shutter sounds
9 Years Ago
Stone external gate sounds + wood external gate sound tweaks
9 Years Ago
Fixed terrain alpha issues around sewer entrances
9 Years Ago
New player body fall sounds
9 Years Ago
Fall damage sounds
9 Years Ago
Sand and snow impact sounds + grass impact sound tweaks
9 Years Ago
- Room culler now enables any outdoor lights in any rooms connected to the current room (as well as the current room itself)
9 Years Ago
first pass at m249 sounds
9 Years Ago
worldmodel bundle names
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE force update asteroid model material
9 Years Ago
Fixed steam inventory breaking if you have more than 128 items
9 Years Ago
Bundle tweaks
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE force material on asteroid prefab
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE force update material
9 Years Ago
Bug reporter categories
9 Years Ago
hopefully rollingback this file as I checked it in accidently
9 Years Ago
exposed bones on human rig and added pickup events to the pickup anims
9 Years Ago
Now handling the copying of content between Agent's GoalPlanVariant and DecisionMaker's variant.
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid tile set
9 Years Ago
new human model from petur on a new rig. Some(all) of the animations are very rough or just wrong so to be fixed soon. human female remains unchanged to use as refrence but will be replaced soon
9 Years Ago
added human male source files, everything is in animations_misc and human_male isnt used at the moment, workflow to export lives inside human male animations misc in the text editor that needs to be ran. Slightly hacky, paths are semi hard coded. Actions get exported to unique FBX files if they are in the NLA editor AND unmuted (the little speaker next to the action strip) Then the main fbx with the rig and meshes gets exported if action is set to the one called bindpose when exporting. There needs to be an empty object inside the file or the RIG object dosent get though and so the hirechay is broken by one child (starts with root instead of rig) in unity and animations dont link with the rig. contains all the items from last checkin of ClothingObj.obj
9 Years Ago
Fixed RUST-277 - server objects aren't networking their positions to clients Removed some unused network functions
9 Years Ago
Cowboy rig - Skinning & problem areas
9 Years Ago
- GoalSettingsEditor child goal/plans in Foldouts - Added EatCookedMeat GoalPlan
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE prefab room, recentered asteroid prefab/ divided the rectangular reflection volume in the factory room to 2 square one for tile rotation !A wip big asteroid structure+test kitbash in the prefab
9 Years Ago
- GoalPlanSettings.BehaviourChain stores new BehaviourPlanSettingsWrapper, allows for filtering of target entity type for DM
9 Years Ago
Prototype: Dynamic ambient light and sky reflection intensity for indoor / outdoor environments