256,234 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
-seasons are now assets (seasonsettings)
-zones have biomes, which have min-max temperatures, and seasons
-seasons define day/night temperature, in respect to season's min/max with an animation curve
-units' Temperature BaseValue constantly lerps towards ambient temperature
footstep splash effect fix (animals and players)
new train track pieces
military tunnel prefab scene progress
added new temple_light_cookie images
Sky Dome cloud setting tweak.
added new temple_cookie textures
- Temp fix for cam background
Addons can have dependancies, compile in dependancy order
Load balancer runs in LateUpdate such that actions from the same frame are processed immediately if possible
Stability check always attempts at least 10 times before timing out
Savegame loading status message formatting
- Entity wander now wanders more frequently :)
- EntityWander now rejects any target positions that aren't in it's Entity's parent room
- Fixed a height bug with EntityWander
Stability warmup performance test
Lots are now distributed much better.
Fixed clipping on bone knife throw
Stability warmup messages formatting
- Basic enemy roaming when not aware of player
Can now add an offset for each shot to pair up pass position with hit position
FOR FUCK SAKE aiming laser material to be more visible
FOR FUCK SAKE missiles prefab, first pass fx
Fixed post build process
Turn on the debug stuff again
Added stability.passes convar
opengl32.dll no longer a RustNative dependency on windows
Got rid of GL path and opengl32.dll dependency on windows; available only with _DEBUG conditional
Merge to Main - Explosion work
Manifest (ambience changes)
LOD fixes for building parts doorways
Fixed potential NRE in Planner.Server DoBuild
Fixed potential NRE in Construction.Placement