userLouie Turnercancel

227 Commits over 61 Days - 0.16cph!

2 Months Ago
Tutorial Art Tutorial Scene
2 Months Ago
Missing map reference
2 Months Ago
Finish line ui
2 Months Ago
Fix some couple sounds can't dev cam out of editor Music in tutorial stage
2 Months Ago
Birds Scared Stat Update intro area map Merge branch 'main' of sbox-piecrumb
2 Months Ago
Adjusted finishline Widemode for cameraintro Sort leaderboard correctly Hide items on platform runs Fix missing logo on intro Move to tutorial after intro Move map icons to /ui Update .sboxproj
2 Months Ago
Restart pause menu Hide tutorial if doing platform run Display timer
2 Months Ago
Get correct stat Reset setting button
2 Months Ago
Use scenename instead
2 Months Ago
Send the stat at the end
2 Months Ago
Leaderboard stat
2 Months Ago
Fix particles alpha Update platform_stage_2b.scene
3 Months Ago
tutorial art progress
3 Months Ago
Tutorial updates
3 Months Ago
More tutorial stuff tweak intro scene water
3 Months Ago
Tutorial map progress
3 Months Ago
Updates to Water Shader
3 Months Ago
Tutorial map changes
3 Months Ago
Clip tutorial map
3 Months Ago
Tutorial stage wip Teleport trigger icon
3 Months Ago
Delete these, they caused crashes and unused
3 Months Ago
hide text if its empty
3 Months Ago
Fix broken map reference in intro
3 Months Ago
Leaderboard set up
3 Months Ago
Only show tagged platformer maps in menu
3 Months Ago
Update stage icon + rename frogmaps
3 Months Ago
Disable ao
3 Months Ago
Item pickups have physics
3 Months Ago
Camera intro test
3 Months Ago
Photo frames
3 Months Ago
Falling mask
3 Months Ago
Fix particles no using model Photomode Fixed sound in scene
3 Months Ago
Track birds scared Update .gitignore Update player particles
3 Months Ago
Dive jump particle
3 Months Ago
play item sound on get
3 Months Ago
pitch music on death adjust stages
3 Months Ago
adjust hit particle
3 Months Ago
rebalance 2b + checkpoints
3 Months Ago
Respawnables When you respawn, we reset certain platforms
3 Months Ago
Clothing pickup ui
3 Months Ago
Playground update
3 Months Ago
Switch to interaction
3 Months Ago
Clothing ui adjustment + camera
3 Months Ago
Clothing Wip
3 Months Ago
Finish up 2d stage
3 Months Ago
update some particles new drowning mask small adjustments
3 Months Ago
Basic Checkpoint system Basic ui for checkpoint Clean up
3 Months Ago
dev_grid material
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
2d update and sounds