256,509 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Slight tree mat and LOD fixes.
Various forest prefab changes.
Cleaned up obsolete tree files.
A metric ton of forest/tree changes. Still WIP, but the most glaring forest issues should be fixed. Lots of ST optimizations as well. Note: Only running a single variant per tree species, for the time being.
some more medical syringe animations.. Having trouble kicking this drug habit..
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First version of proposed new terrain shader (no snow yet) based on U5 universal shader
Mesh blend shader to go with new terrain shader; also universal
Support scripts for terrain and terrain-blend objects
Removed redundant default bump-spec terrain shader added by mistake
Added Wind Main to atmospheric blend; updates at very low freq due to tree anim reset
fixed bolt rifle clipping during the attack animation
Hopeful fix for bindable instance wrappers that inherit from other wrappers not having all members bound.
Fixed NRE in TickAttackTargetAction
changed the timings on the view model weapons so they detect impact sooner
When kicking a user due to EAC, mention that in the reason
NavAgentMoveRandom has the option of doing random movement in the radius of it's parent or of itself (if parent == null).
Wrapping up for the week.
Fixed BindingsGenerator not compiling.
Started work on documentation generation, abstracted the code gen helper class and started a HTML implementation.
UnityMaterialPropertyBlock instances are now pooled on disposal.
Finished new text rendering system, emulator graph now plots in kbps (with a default target line of 20kbps).
Time of Day update to 2.3.0 prerelease 2
Added small mountains back to the temperate biome (experimenting a little)
Protocol++ (network + save)
Fixed player not rotating at all
Fixed player rotations not networking when standing still
Fixed rotation lerp not working
Added dedicated text rendering rather than using the Sprite system for each char. Not hooked in to the Text class yet.
Added placeholder level models for all building components
Made placeholder building level textures slightly less shitty
Fixed building guides being invisible
Added a buttload of unused substances
updated vm bow source anim
updated anims, model, prefab & anim controller for view model bow
created bow_tier1 materials
Game name input box now turns red if an invalid name is submitted.
Fixed audio event listeners lingering after a game gets switched.
Added a text entry box to the emulator to input a game name to switch to.
Cleaned up lerping (removed old, unused code)
Fixed warnings, cleaned up redundant startup output
Split the snapshot messages until smaller chunks
The premake script now automatically runs `git submodule init` and `git submodule update`.
Finished adding SmashBloxJS submodule.
Added SmashBloxJS submodule.
Added SmashBloxJS submodule.
Moving SmashBloxJS to a submodule
Moving SmashBloxJS to a submodule
Made furnace destroyable
Made campfire destroytable
Prevented building campfire, sleeping bag, furnace inside each other
Prevented stacking furnace/storage boxes
Fixed storage box not having collisions
JS games no longer have CSProj / Makefiles generated for them as they are loaded straight from source.
JS games no longer have CSProj / Makefiles generated for them as they are loaded straight from source.
UnityEngine.UI.dll is now copied to Resources, moved EmulatorScene.cs back to GameAPI.Unity.
UnityEngine.UI.dll is now copied to Resources, moved EmulatorScene.cs back to GameAPI.Unity.
Bindable and interface implementation generated wrappers now include reflection caching.