256,417 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Fixed that rock_01 was sometimes spawned midair
Removed redundant flip option from rock_08
Checking in storage box and textures ready for animating
Now using material instead of sharedMaterial, so that old people actually don't give everyone grey hair if spawned last, etc.
Made event schedule only execute on server
Human spawns now get hair color, skin color and hair style randomized based on the settings.
Updated torch & bone knife icon
New tier 1 bow, also 3 new arrow types. All with LODs and what not.
Units now scale based on race/gender/age modifiers.
Removed client.farclip (is now graphics.drawdistance)
Removed client.fov (is now graphics.fov)
[ultimate_soldier] gunshot debris, bulletholes on soldiers, shots can hit bodies
[ultimate_soldier] gunshot debris, bulletholes on soldiers, shots can hit bodies
Got HumanUnitController integrated and working together with HumanTribeGroupController and PlayerController.
Updated boneknife prefab - model & player anims now working
Added F2 options for draw distance and pvt
Added bone knife world model to reboot
Made WaterUpdate use color inspector variables instead of just alpha multipliers
Fixed that the initial component state of the F2 menu was not being applied properly
Enabled motion blur by default
Deleted TestLevel_Minh since it was completely broken anyhow o(recreate from TestLevel if you still need it)
Added UnitAnimation script to UnitView.
[ultimate_soldier] bullets can land on soldiers bodies
[ultimate_soldier] bullets can land on soldiers bodies
[ultimate_soldier] tweaks
[ultimate_soldier] tweaks
3rd person animations for thompson machine gun
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/arcade
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/arcade
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
Experimenting with floor tile and wall meshing for room editor.
Experimenting with floor tile and wall meshing for room editor.
[ultimate_soldier] enemies pause before firing
[ultimate_soldier] enemies pause before firing
Bear anims added (2x idle, run, walk, sit, x2 sitting idles)
Compressed some textures that were probably uncompressed for a good reason
Unit View prefabs added for all current animals
Fruit tree updates. Couple small tweaks to Camera script. Ocean and sky prefabs updated.
Fruit bush speedtree, fixed error in SceneInfo.cs (tag string)
Tweaked GA session timeout
Added anim events to torch 'lit' vm anims
Fixed tree health/wood gather amounts
Don't run item commands if too far away