
57 Commits over 762 Days - 0.00cph!

5 Months Ago
Implement more accurate preferred size for flex columns when using a fixed column count
6 Months Ago
Apply min/max size clamps to element preferred size if they have any restrictions Fix the "Current" button on the "To" field for FlexTransition filling in the wrong field
7 Months Ago
Unity upgrade Reset flex transition state sooner so it shouldn't interfere with other scripts Handle min/max size in flex text, fixes weird layout issues on text when the size is clamped Cleanup ds_store files
7 Months Ago
Add FlexScipedUpdate so it's easy to do batched updates which run layout immediately after instead of deferring until LateUpdate
8 Months Ago
Add flex aspect ratio component Fix flex text not setting its driven properties
8 Months Ago
Change flex columns to calculate dynamic column counts with a minimum width, expanding the columns equally to fill the container
8 Months Ago
Fix graphics transform not working correctly when nested
8 Months Ago
Remove unused
8 Months Ago
Don't require Graphic or CanvasRenderer
8 Months Ago
Transform with transition sample
8 Months Ago
Added FlexGraphicTransform component so we can do CSS-like transforms, hooked up to FlexTransition
8 Months Ago
Fix possible division by zero in layout when scale is zero
10 Months Ago
Add a way to override the preferred width/height to nicely size images without restricting them
10 Months Ago
Some bug fixes related to columns, auto sizing, controlled properties, and prefabs being marked dirty for no reason Upgrade to unity 2021
1 Year Ago
Fix some column state not resetting correctly which made it render incorrectly sometimes
1 Year Ago
Add some missing profiling blocks
1 Year Ago
Add FlexColumnsElement for laying out elements into columns (either a fixed number of columns or auto calculated based on width)
1 Year Ago
Split FlexElementEditor to have a shared base class too
1 Year Ago
Move more stuff into FlexElementBase
1 Year Ago
Split some shared code out of FlexElement into FlexElementBase Add a scene for testing spacing modes
1 Year Ago
Simplify grow/shrink sum calculation
1 Year Ago
Fix incorrect alignment on main axis when a child grows but has its growth clamped
1 Year Ago
Add support for justify-content space-between, space-around, and space-evenly
1 Year Ago
Fix scenes not doing layout on load in editor
1 Year Ago
Don't queue up layouts for elements that are not in loaded scenes
1 Year Ago
Fix min height on scroll views
1 Year Ago
Update player screen with new scroll views
1 Year Ago
Add a scrollbox prefab Add a sample of auto sized flex scroll views
1 Year Ago
Count basis when measuring the main axis
1 Year Ago
Add support for flex basis
1 Year Ago
Support rotation in flex transition
1 Year Ago
Fix gap calculation off by 1
1 Year Ago
Exclude space used by gap when calculating percent unit values on the main axis
2 Years Ago
Fix some issues with switching to/from play mode Fix percent units not taking element scale into consideration
2 Years Ago
Fix align items stretch sizing elements larger/smaller than the container when the element is scaled
2 Years Ago
Don't show warning that a FlexElement isn't marked as absolute if the element is the root object of a prefab
2 Years Ago
Fix broken implicit autosizing for non-absolute elementsin prefabs
2 Years Ago
Fix broken padding behavior Add a scene to test all layout combos with padding
2 Years Ago
More editor mode improvements
2 Years Ago
Namespace everything, support layout in editor mode without FlexLayoutManager
2 Years Ago
Make FlexTransition nicer to use
2 Years Ago
Sample menu sidebar
2 Years Ago
Remove redundant fields from transition definitions Fix a padding bug
2 Years Ago
Progress on supporting percent units for min/max element sizes Fix a scale bug not related to percent units Fix auto sizing not working anymore Fix another scaling bug with scaling when the element grows/shrinks Cache parameters from child elements when calculating sizing so we avoid repeated work for no reason Merge branch 'percent-unit' Replace RectOffset with struct that uses floats instead Add a generic transition component for animating UIs
2 Years Ago
Example accordion-ish UI with collapsible sections that animate when opening/closing
2 Years Ago
Allow scaling flex elements to support animations and whatever else
2 Years Ago
Give max size higher precedence than min size so it clamps to max size if min > max
2 Years Ago
Add support for align self Some bug fixes when running outside the editor Add another example scene with a flexible scroll view
2 Years Ago
Remove unnecessary dirtying of elements Add profiler blocks
2 Years Ago
Editor asmdef too Add tooltips for properties