
75 Commits over 1,188 Days - 0.00cph!

40 Days Ago
Fix failing to receive large messages Fix errors related to messaging not making it into the logs
6 Months Ago
Add a public method to refresh a clan's data immediately
11 Months Ago
Allow negative scores and multipliers (but still no zeroes)
1 Year Ago
Automatically batch clan score events to be submitted to the nexus backend
1 Year Ago
Add new clan role
1 Year Ago
Add support for getting the clan leaderboard
1 Year Ago
Add clan score related things Fix limit value for get clan log not being passed to API
1 Year Ago
Add a realm for development
1 Year Ago
Allow connection details in player info response to be null
1 Year Ago
Update to include query port Fix tests
1 Year Ago
Don't error that the socket is not connected until it was actually started
1 Year Ago
Add tags field to nexus listing model
1 Year Ago
Model update to expose assigned zone to player client
1 Year Ago
Add ZoneCount field to NexusListing model
1 Year Ago
Refactoring so it's easier to get the list of nexuses without needing the full player client set up
2 Years Ago
Downgrade pretty much everything to play nicely with Unity
2 Years Ago
Update dependencies to align with what we have in Rust
2 Years Ago
Revert System.Memory to 4.5.4 because of some Unity issues Add in APIs to check and upload zone map images
2 Years Ago
Replace System.Text.Json with Newtonsoft.Json because it's not working with Il2CPP
2 Years Ago
Fix wrong endpoint being used for player info Fix missing result mapping for some role deletion error codes Add result mapping for clan is full error code
2 Years Ago
Rename base client classes, rename NexusSteamPlayerClient to NexusPlayerClient Change NexusPlayerClient to expect player auth tokens (from fpapi) instead of steam tickets
2 Years Ago
Refactor API calls to return the ApiResult (which has the status code and response if there is one) API calls no longer automatically throw for non-2xx responses Connector functions for calling all of the new clan APIs WIP setting up the NexusZoneClient to provide access to clans Progress on clans implementation Hook up all the clan functions Refactor VariableUpdate so it's not annoying to use Automatically handle clan events from the nexus Expose clan events to consumers so they can do extra stuff if needed Compile fix Add an event for when a clan is unloaded Add accessors for role and member variables Fix roles never getting their name set Fix incorrect error codes being returned when changing a clan member's role Add a MaxMemberCount field to clan info (always 0, no limit for now) Automatically refresh clan info in case we missed some change events Rename zone Name -> Key Merge branch 'clans'
2 Years Ago
Rename zone Name -> Key
2 Years Ago
Automatically refresh clan info in case we missed some change events
2 Years Ago
Add a MaxMemberCount field to clan info (always 0, no limit for now)
2 Years Ago
Fix incorrect error codes being returned when changing a clan member's role
2 Years Ago
Add an event for when a clan is unloaded Add accessors for role and member variables Fix roles never getting their name set
2 Years Ago
Compile fix
2 Years Ago
Automatically handle clan events from the nexus Expose clan events to consumers so they can do extra stuff if needed
2 Years Ago
Hook up all the clan functions Refactor VariableUpdate so it's not annoying to use
2 Years Ago
Progress on clans implementation
2 Years Ago
WIP setting up the NexusZoneClient to provide access to clans
2 Years Ago
Connector functions for calling all of the new clan APIs
2 Years Ago
Refactor API calls to return the ApiResult (which has the status code and response if there is one) API calls no longer automatically throw for non-2xx responses
2 Years Ago
Update nexus/zone/player variable set calls to reflect API changes
2 Years Ago
Allow specifying a custom content type for messages Provide the message content type when receiving messages
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
▌▋▆▍▋▋ ▋▍▍▅▋▉▆▆▄ ▊▄▋▉ ▉▌▆▌[] ▋▉▅▄▅▆▋ ▆▌ ▌▆▌▇█▉▊▍▅▉▆▄▅▄<█▇▊▉> ▌▉▄▉▋ ▊▍▉ █ ▊▋▊▋▆▍▌▋ ▄█ ▋▅█ ▅▉█▆▍▋ ▉▉▊▊█▊▍▋▌ ▆█ ▅█▍▅▄▆ ▉▌▍▅ ▆▆█▍ ▍▇▇▇█