
16 Commits over 2,708 Days - 0.00cph!

7 Days Ago
Get rid of ICustomMarshaler (strings to native, possible IL2CPP bug workaround) and remaining Encoding.UTF8 usages
52 Days Ago
Explicitly turn off BOM when marshaling strings to/from Steamworks, just to be safe
2 Months Ago
Upgrade to Steamworks 1.61 WIP due to server list crashing for some reason Manually marshal server list filters to fix crashing Add SteamTimeline Merge branch 'steamworks161'
4 Months Ago
Update actions
4 Months Ago
Add Friend.Nickname to get Steam nicknames for players Expose FriendGameInfo.GameID so you can see what appID friends are playing
4 Months Ago
Fixed typo in SteamClient.cs Merge pull request #742 from height229/master Fixed typo in SteamClient.cs
4 Months Ago
Fix OnNewLaunchParameters never getting called Merge pull request #709 from Zyhlon/master Fixes #553 OnNewLaunchParameters never getting called
4 Years Ago
Add ConnectionManager.Broadcast for sending the same message to multiple clients Pass results back, optionally Make SendMessage call SendMessages instead of SendMessageToConnection Steamworks SDK 1.51 Rename
4 Years Ago
Crash fix in ConnectionManager.Receive due to bad pointer
4 Years Ago
Remove Marshal usage in ConnectionManager (removes allocations)
5 Years Ago
Limit SourceServerQuery to one concurrent request per endpoint
6 Years Ago
Add Inventory.EnableItemProperties to turn off per-item properties (not all games need it and it's a bit slow) There could be a whitelist Func or something added later for more control if anyone wants to do that
6 Years Ago
Add Inventory.OnInventoryResultReady so you can check that as well as the generic OnUpdate Add Overlay.IsOpen
6 Years Ago
Make Inventory.OnUpdate an event, FormatPrice can be passed LocalPrice without needing to multiply it
6 Years Ago
Formats for more currencies, and make that format function public
7 Years Ago
Don't require unsafe to use voice