376 Commits over 2,861 Days - 0.01cph!
Get rid of ICustomMarshaler (strings to native, possible IL2CPP bug workaround) and remaining Encoding.UTF8 usages
Explicitly turn off BOM when marshaling strings to/from Steamworks, just to be safe
PackageVersion / FileVersion 2.4.1
Update (build badge fix)
Upgrade to Steamworks 1.61
WIP due to server list crashing for some reason
Manually marshal server list filters to fix crashing
Add SteamTimeline
Merge branch 'steamworks161'
Add Friend.Nickname to get Steam nicknames for players
Expose FriendGameInfo.GameID so you can see what appID friends are playing
Fixed typo in SteamClient.cs
Merge pull request #742 from height229/master
Fixed typo in SteamClient.cs
Fix OnNewLaunchParameters never getting called
Merge pull request #709 from Zyhlon/master
Fixes #553 OnNewLaunchParameters never getting called
Fix serverlist query allocating a large amount of memory when a large amount of servers are pending
Change codegen to make interface classes partial
Add ISteamMatchmakingServers.HasServerResponded() to partial class instead
Automatically get the field offset of gameserveritem_t.HasSuccessfulResponse instead of hardcoding it
Merge from fix_serverlist_query_allocations -> master
Put all servers that failed to respond to the query into a "Unqueried" list intead of "Unresponsive"
Fix IpList queries not cancelling when disposed
Merge from temp_browser_fix -> master
- make IPList disposable
- list Unresponsive vs Unqueried servers seperately)
Steamworks SDK 1.57
Add GetAuthTicketForWebApiAsync
Forgot to update a few steam_api.dll and steam_api64.dll
GameServerTest.BeginAuthSession fix
InventoryTest.GetExchanges fix
Revert "Update packages, drop net46 support"
This reverts commit e81d1ac682cee74f84f4a4c967887dce35d18ecd.
More detailed debug levels in SteamNetworkingUtils
Add SendRateMin, SendRateMax and NagleTime to SteamNetworkingUtils
Merge branch 'master' of Facepunch.Steamworks
Update packages, drop net46 support
Handle Steam not running better (#566)
* Handle Steam not running better
* Make Steamworks.SteamClient.IsValid is correct without Steam
Make sure Steamworks.SteamClient.IsValid is correct without Steam running
Check return value from FileRead (#663)
Co-authored-by: Max Halldén <>
update to steam sdk 1.55 (#675)
includes native apple M1 support
Fix strings in readme (#621)
Add net46 target framework back for Unity support
Redist for 1.52
Headers for 1.52
Generator changes to support 1.52
Generated 1.52
Generator comments out SteamInputActionEvent_t.AnalogAction_t types since the type declaration is missing from steam_api.json
Connection lanes implementation
All SendMessage overloads have optional laneIndex
Redist update for test cases
Add missing fake IP API to steam_api.json
Generated fake IP API
Add fake IP support to SteamNetworkingSockets
Add fake IP test cases
Headers for 1.53
Redist for 1.53
Generated 1.53
Add NetAddress.IsFakeIPv4
RequestFakeIP / GetFakeIP comment fixes
Do test case fake IP initialization before login
Update test case steamclient.dll et al
Merge pull request #612 from Facepunch/steamworks152
Steamworks 1.53 with multi lane and fake IP support
Documentation Rework (#599)
Fix for GetFloat on struct Steamworks.Data.Stat always returning 0 (#598)
Co-authored-by: B0TLANNER <>
SteamPort isn't used anymore here
Create .editorconfig
Merge branch 'master' of Facepunch.Steamworks
Fix TextFilteringContext not getting exposed
Update to Steamworks 152
Update fixes
Added SteamUGC.ShowWorkshopEula()
Added SteamUGC.GetWorkshopEulaStatus()
Added SteamUtils.IsRunningOnSteamDeck
Added SteamUtils.SetGameLauncherMode
Adjusted uploading progress bar so it doesn't jump back after finishing uploading content.
Merge pull request #588 from rtsonneveld/master
Adjusted uploading progress bar so it doesn't jump back
Update Facepunch.Steamworks.Win64.csproj
Update Facepunch.Steamworks.Win32.csproj
Merge pull request #520 from PhyxionNL/master
Fix NuGet package generation
Added support for FilterText
Updated Generator to be in line with expected generated code
Remove uint from InitFilterText call
FilterText now returns the filtered string instead of the number of filtered characters
Merge pull request #514 from Noek1993/master
Added support for FilterText
we HATE the garbage collector
Merge pull request #558 from bobbahbrown/we-hate-gc
Fix GC race condition in sending packets causing crash from steamworks
RemoteStoragePublishedFileSubscribed_t, RemoteStoragePublishedFileUnsubscribed_t, ItemInstalled_t callbacks
Merge pull request #560 from dozd/master
RemoteStoragePublishedFileSubscribed_t and RemoteStoragePublishedFile…
Fixed native memory buffers allocated by Helpers.TakeMemory being overshared when more than 4 simultaneous tasks call it
Updated Generator to use disposable TakeMemory correctly
Merge pull request #592 from juanjp600/helpers-takememory-fix
Fixed race condition caused by too many tasks using Helpers.TakeMemory simultaneously
Migrated .Net Framework projects to .NET, retargeted projects for netstandard2.1 and/or net6.0 where appropriate, upgraded language level to latest for use with .NET 6
Update dotnetcore.yml
Update dotnetcore.yml
Update dotnetcore.yml
Update dotnetcore.yml
Remove unused
Merge pull request #595 from Crytilis/master
Migrated .NET Framework and upgraded projects in anticipation of NET6
Fix typo in function documentation
Merge pull request #554 from chk1/patch-1
Fix typo in function documentation
Fix #523: Make Lobby.SendChatBytes public.
Also add a unsafe variant that would require zero copies to a managed
Merge pull request #524 from HouraiTeahouse/public-lobby-chat
Implement #523: Make Lobby.SendChatBytes public.
ReadFile -> FileRead
Merge pull request #527 from mlajtos/patch-1
ReadFile -> FileRead
Override connection's GetHashCode()
Merge pull request #541 from morga4/master
Override connection's GetHashCode()
Fixes typo in README Achievements code example
Merge pull request #546 from sicklydove/master
Fixes typo in README Achievements code example
Expose message size in IsP2PPacketAvailable
Merge pull request #548 from sschoener/patch-1
Expose message size in IsP2PPacketAvailable
Add ConnectionManager.Broadcast for sending the same message to
multiple clients
Pass results back, optionally
Make SendMessage call SendMessages instead of SendMessageToConnection
Steamworks SDK 1.51
Crash fix in ConnectionManager.Receive due to bad pointer
Remove Marshal usage in ConnectionManager (removes allocations)
Ugc Editor, on item created callback
Merge pull request #494 from kamyker/k9-on-ws-item-created
UgcEditor.SubmitAsync, on item created callback
Add game managed UGC Items
Updated comment
Fix Typo
Merge pull request #509 from ambid17/feature/game-managed-ugc
Add game managed UGC Items
SuspendDownloads added to public API
Merge pull request #504 from DeKon0650/add-suspend-downloads
SuspendDownloads added to public API
Added optional receiveToEnd toggle to ConnectionManager.Receive and SocketManager.Receive (default true = old behaviour)
Added SteamNetworkingUtils.Unencrypted
Merge branch 'master' of Facepunch.Steamworks
Fix 'IsLowVoilence' Typo
Merge pull request #502 from benbristow/fix-violence-typo
Fix 'IsLowVoilence' Typo
Fixed libsteam_api extension in UnityPlugin folder