124 Commits over 1,034 Days - 0.00cph!
UI to show things being added to your inventory
Allow rotating placables with Q and E, the placeable def defines how it can be rotates (or if)
Remove the "Common" namespace
Prevent tooltips from going offscreen, proper tooltip blocking, add a hotkey system for buttons (also integrates with tooltips)
Turned on deadlock detection for the server
Add a basic nameplate so you can see other players names
More defined login process, add player names, players removed from world when disconnecting
Change chunk to only verify state when a problem is detected, also filters out the problems too now
Define construction requirements in unity, add tooltips to show recipes and stuff
Get rid of allocations from disabled logs
Wood wall is incomplete when placed, deposit the remaining materials by interacting with it
Chunk pooling + allocation reduction
Add a terrain shader so it's not just green everywhere
Entity view pooling, add FP.Unity and FP.System
Disable orleans dashboard, increase interact radius
Add placeable campfire (double click item, press F to place), fix some UI problems, deadlock debugging
Jumping, map generator and node adjustments
Add a method to bulk add entities to a chunk, also doesn't send events (so it's effectively level gen only)
Concurrency for chunk loading and entity spawning
Defer chunk removal, fix editor entity not spawning, keep scene view camera rotation
Add spawn point entity with default instance (movable in editor)
Remove the platform entity
Add DynamicNetworkEntity so static entities dont get an Update method
Terrain generator automatically places resource nodes, remove some verbose logging
Use job system to build chunk meshes, fix chunk radius
NativeList<T> from Unity.Collections is pulled into here because it errors from package manager
Fix stretched triangle in generated chunk mesh
Server sends heightmap data with chunks, client renders them. Server generates default data with noise function
Generate a mesh from heightmap
Fix some missing event handlers from the crafting panel
Split inventory into two panels, use a prefab for the panel base
More UI work, implement crafting
Item recipes, bunch of UI work
Add shared classes to load and cache data assets, server can now load them all properly
Grab the Unity compatibility layer from Clatter so we can read the ScriptableObject data
Setting things up for items
Stone and copper nodes, new tree model, fix bug in IntervalTimer when the interval isn't 1
Implemented materials inventory
Change editor to not login as a player (no more extra player stuck in floor + editor gets chunks in range of its camera)
Resource nodes automatically refill after being depleted for a while
Fix spawn rotation, move with LMB if camera is being controlled
Implemented interacting with resource nodes
* Very minimal start of an inventory
* Player update loop on server
* Fixed slow lerping
* Player yaw kind of works (not setting it in a few places yet)
* More water shader fixes
* Server to player messaging (events)
Refactor to use EntityId instead of Guid (fixes #3), add the entity update stream resume code back to ChunkRegistry
Setup controls and UI for interacting with things in the world (also HUD I think)
Player turn controls, fix login message order, play with water shader