6,189 Commits over 3,836 Days - 0.07cph!
* Added 6 missing silkicons
* Added mapcycle.txt
* Merged some minor engine changes
* Fixed Vehicle.SetPos
* Fixed unhandled usermessage 21
* Updated propdata.txt to contain Episodic stuff
* Moved some files from garrysmod.vpk to fallbacks.vpk ( HLS gibs, Alyx Gun epsodic sounds )
* Removed soundscapes from fallbacks, they are all shipped in garrysmod.vpk now
* Added Vehicle.IsValid - returns whether the actual VEHICLE is valid or not
* Added Vehicle.SetPos( vector ) - Actually working SetPos for vehicles
* Updated internal Get_Vehicle to not let through invalid vehicles
Improved AI player detection in multiplayer
Merged some vpcs, let's see what difference this makes
* Fixed gravity gun not calling OnFailedPhysGunPickup on any entity
* Fixed not being able to grab a Magnusson Device from Jalopy's back
* Fixed Japoly's radar and added multiplayer support
* Added ismatrix
* Entity.RestartGesture() is not serverside only ( It never did anything on client )
* Entity.SetWeaponModel()'s Weapon argument is now optional
* Added 2 new parameters for Entity.RestartGesture - autokill = true, addIfMissing = true
* Added a bunch new functions for gesture/layered sequence stuff
Enabled a some EP2 Alyx stuff - Entering Jalopy, etc., Fixes d3_breen01 map getting stuck
* Fixed Combine Mine leaving looping sound behind if removed while the sound is playing
* Fixed a bug with Bugbait and Grenade weapons where you can have both stuck in unusable state
* Fixed SF_TRIG_TOUCH_DEBRIS not working in any tigger entity
* Fixed Weapon.GetActivity() not returning any values
* Added Weapon.GetWeaponViewModel() - returns string
* Added Weapon.GetWeaponWorldModel() - returns string
* Added Weapon.GetWeight() - returns int
* Added Weapon.HasAmmo() - returns bool
* Added Weapon.AllowsAutoSwitchTo() - returns bool
* Added Weapon.AllowsAutoSwitchFrom() - returns bool
* Added new soundscript stuff from TF2 update & new map icons
* Added CreateParticleSystem( Entity e, string eff, int PartAttachment, int EntAttachment = 0, Vector offset = 0 ) - returns CNewParticleEffect
* Added CNewParticleEffect.IsValid()
* Added CNewParticleEffect.SetControlPoint( int cpID, Vector offset )
* Added CNewParticleEffect.SetControlPointOrientation( int cpID, Vector fwd, Vector right, Vector up )
* Added CNewParticleEffect.SetSortOrigin( Vector origin )
* Added CNewParticleEffect.GetEffectName() - Returns string
* Added CNewParticleEffect.StartEmission( bInfiniteOnly = false )
* Added CNewParticleEffect.StopEmission( bInfiniteOnly = false, bRemoveAllParticles = false, bWakeOnStop = false )
* Added CNewParticleEffect.GetOwner() - returns entity from CreateParticleSystem
* Added CNewParticleEffect.AddControlPoint( int cpID, Entity ent, int PartAttachment, int EntAttachment = 0, Vector offset = 0 )
* Added CNewParticleEffect.StopEmissionAndDestroyImmediately()
▌▌▄▍▉▊▊ █ ▉▆▅▍▍ ▋▄▉▄▆ ██▊▆ ▊█▅ ▍█▍█▋▆▍ ▋▍▍▋▍
* Fixed combine mines not detecting players in Single Player ( And player in the last player slot in multiplayer )
* Fixed util.TraceLine and Entity:FireBullets not hitting player hitboxes outside of their hull if there is a prop behind said hitbox
Fix swimming animations ( oops )
* Updated All NPC/AI weapons except for Crossbow
* Increased precision of Integers for util.KeyValuesToTable
* Fixed some soundscapes being removed when cleanin up the map
█▊▅▊▆▄ ▍▅▋ ▉▊ █▉▅ ▇▇█▇▆▆ ▅▇▅▄▋▇▍ ( ▄▌▋▉▉▊, ██▋▄▄█ ▅▊▋▇▉▅▇ )
▍▉▆▆▊▋ ▇ ▊▅▊▌▌ ▉▊█▆▋ ▆▇ █▉▄ ▊▄▄▆▉▍▊▅▊▇ ▌█▉▍▉
Moved some GModDataPack Warnings to DevWarnings to prevent exploit
▌▆▇ ▊█ ▊▇▉ ▆▌▋▊▆▋▆ █▅▋█ #▋
▉▌▍▅▄▍ ▊▆▋▅/▅▉▊/▆▍▉▊█▅▌█▆ & ▌▋▄▋▋▋▅.█▉▅
▌▆▌▉▆ ▇█▇▄▄▌/▊▇▆_▍▄▊█▌▉.▋▋▋
▄▋▆▅▊ ▌▌█▉█▊▍-▊.▉ ▇▉▋▌▅▆ ▇▋▋ ▌▄▋▄▅▅▊▌▊ ▄▇ ▅▉▋▄▇ & ▊▊▋
Updated bone_setup.cpp
▋▊▊▇▉▌▇ "▄▇█▊▅▍▍▌▌" ▊▋▋▄▍▄▋
▌▋█▆▇▇▅ ▄▌▍▉▆▊▄▊, ▇▇▆▌▉▉▄█_█▋█▆ ██▇ █▋▌▋▋▌▋▉▆_▌▊▆▍ ▊▄ ▆▉▇ ▇▅█▆▋▉ ▋▋▇▍█▍▅
* GitSync
* Added menu_cleanupgmas
█▌▌▊▆▅ ▇ █▉▊▌▊ ▊▆▆▆ ▋▅█▅▅
* GitSync
* Added new TF2 map icons and a few L4D1 map icons
Removed the 20 character addon name limit
* Fixed RPG sound spam #2
* Added input.LookupKeyBinding ( int key_enum ) - clientside
* input.LookupBinding() now has a second parameter - exact
* net.ReadData no longer tries to read 0-length or negative length data
* Added system.IsWindowed() - clientside
* Updated the "No DirectX redistrib" message
* Added maps/*_particles.txt for HL2:EP2 maps
* Added CNavArea.SetAttributes( int atts )
* Added CNavArea.GetCostSoFar()
* Added CNavArea.ComputeAdjacentConnectionHeightChange( CNavArea )
* Added CNavLadder.GetLength()
* Added navmesh.IsLoaded()
* Added navmesh.SetMarkedArea( CNavArea )
* Added navmesh.GetMarkedArea()
* Added navmesh.SetMarkedLadder( CNavLadder )
* Added navmesh.GetMarkedLadder()
* Added navmesh.GetEditCursorPosition()
* Added navmesh.Reset()
* Added navmesh.Load()
* Added navmesh.Save()
* Added CLuaLocomotion.IsAreaTraversable( CNavArea )
* Added CLuaLocomotion.GetMaxJumpHeight()
* Added PathFollower.ResetAge()
* Added PathFollower.MoveCursorToClosestPosition( Vector pos )
* Added PathFollower.GetHindrance()
* Added PathFollower.GetCursorData()
* Added PathFollower.GetCurrentGoal()
* Added PathFollower.FirstSegment()
* Added PathFollower.LastSegment()
* PathFollower.Compute( pos, nextbot, function ) now has a third paramter - function( area, areafrom, ladder, elevator, length )
Updated UA string returned by awesomium
Updated Hammer and HLFacePoser to latest versions
▇▌█▉▇██ ▇▌▄▅\▇▊▍█▍▍▇▄.▅▊▇▍▇▉▊▆▆\
▍▋▉▆▊▅ ▋▌▅/▅▇▊/▋█▉▌▅▅▅/▆▄▅██▌▊/▌▄▌▆▍▄▇▉▉▍▊▌-▄-▋.▌▌