
6,189 Commits over 3,836 Days - 0.07cph!

10 Years Ago
* Fixed some TF2 maps crashing the game on load ( Not all of them though ) * Fixed util.Decal not working in multiplayer * Added "filter" scripted entity type * GitSync
10 Years Ago
* GitSync * Added Entity.AddToMotionController * Added Entity.RemoveFromMotionController
10 Years Ago
* Fixed SetPos and SetAngles crashinh with math.huge and tonumber("nan") * GitSync
10 Years Ago
* Fixed SWEPs not being fried by some NPCs * Fixed the "Setting Holdtype to empty string" problem * Added 3 new backgrounds from the last 3 update posts
10 Years Ago
* GitSync * Fixed Custom Bullet Tracers not applying in some cases * Fixed collision box for all weapons not being rotated properly * Fixed Weapons with SF_WEAPON_START_CONSTRAINED spawnflag not being constrained * Fixed debugoverlay.BoxAngles 6th parameter (color)
10 Years Ago
* Updated language files * GitSync * util.TraceLine now hits player hitboxes outside of collision bounds * NPCs now use the ai_weapon_* counterparts when given HL2 weapons with NPC:Give()
10 Years Ago
* Fixed a crash problem with NPC player companions * Fixed func_tank custom ammo types ( Fixes Episode 2 Auto Turret ) * Fixed npc_strider not dealing damage with his fast minigun attack * Fixed server workshop downloads persisting after disconnecting from a server while downloading server workshop addons and connecting to another
10 Years Ago
* GitSync * Added Player.SetLaggedMovementValue * Added Player.GetLaggedMovementValue
10 Years Ago
Fixed a crash problem with all PhysObj functions when called on invalid PhysObj
10 Years Ago
* Possibly fixed a physics crash * Fixed glass PHX panels igniting when shot * Fixed a PHX material (zc_tube.vmt) having bad symbols * Fixed models/noesis/donut.mdl erroring to console when spawned
10 Years Ago
Properly fixed bullet hit detection
10 Years Ago
* GitSync * Fix default crouched hull height * Reverted changes to Entity.SequenceDuration * GMPublish: Clean up quota before updating/creating an addon, don't delete files from quota as soon as finishing updating
10 Years Ago
* GitSync * Fixed a crash issue with npc_turret_floor * Removed CNavArea.GetAdjacentAreaAtSide * Added Warning()s to net.Send & net.SendOmit * Entity.SetBonePosition's first argument is now not optional * Last 5 arguments of EmitSentence & EmitSound globals are now optional
10 Years Ago
* Prevented "CEngineSoundServer::PrecacheSound: Bad string" from crashing the game * Added more .ogg checks to sound functions * Added CSoundPatch.GetSoundLevel() * Added CSoundPatch.GetVolume() * Added CSoundPatch.GetPitch()
10 Years Ago
Disable new NWVars again for now
10 Years Ago
* npc_dog no longer leaves effects behind * npc_dog no longer has "Play Catch" behaviour enabled by default * Player.Say() how properly uses the teamonly parameter * PlayerSay hook now properly detects the teamonly chat
10 Years Ago
* Fixed TTT bugs * Fixed advanced timers
10 Years Ago
* npc_barnacle no longer picks up players in noclip * weapon_crossbow no longer leaves player zoomed in if dropped or removed * GitSync
10 Years Ago
Fixed a huge exploit with "cvarlist" console command
10 Years Ago
* Attempted fix for unsigned integers in net messages #2 * Hardcore-er hardcoded ban for those naughty servers
10 Years Ago
* Increased env_projectedtexture max range in multiplayer to 54k * Fixed new navmesh functions using 0-based indexing for tables ( Now uses 1-based ) * Added error messages to net.Send and net.SendOmit
10 Years Ago
* GitSync * net.WriteBit now also accepts numbers * Added debug output to net.ReadUInt * Hardcoded ban for a certain naughty server * Fixed an exploit with OpenFolder
10 Years Ago
* Fixed GMPublish not updating addon tags * Fixed game_ui entity not releasing player input on player death.
10 Years Ago
Apparently these are used for menu state.
10 Years Ago
Fogot new TTT files
10 Years Ago
* Renamed c_hands to c_arms * Added CLuaLocomotion.IsAscendingOrDescendingLadder() * Added CLuaLocomotion.IsUsingLadder() * Added CNavArea.GetLaddersAtSide( NavLadderDir ) * Added CNavArea.GetLadders() * Added CNavLadder.IsConnectedAtSide( CNavArea, NavLadderDir ) * Removed CNavLadder.IsUsableByTeam() * Removed CNavLadder.GetLadderEntity() * GitSync
10 Years Ago
* Added models/weapons/c_hands.mdl * Updated weapon_fists.lua * Added NAV_MESH_ enums * Renamed CNavArea.GetAdjacentArea( NavDir ) to CNavArea.GetAdjacentAreaAtSide( NavDir ) * Added CNavArea.GetAdjacentArea() * Renamed CNavArea.GetRandomAdjacentAreaAtSide( NavDir ) to CNavArea.GetRandomAdjacentAreaAtSide( NavDir ) * Renamed CNavArea.GetAdjacentArea( NavDir, num ) to CNavArea.GetAdjacentAreaAtSide( NavDir, num ) * Renamed CNavArea.IsConnected( Area, NavDir ) to CNavArea.IsConnectedAtSide( NavDir ) * Added CNavArea.IsConnected( Area ) * Renamed CNavArea.GetAdjacentAreas( NavDir ) to CNavArea.GetAdjacentAreasAtSide( NavDir ) * Renamed CNavArea.GetAllAdjacentAreas() to CNavArea.GetAdjacentAreas() * Renamed CNavArea.GetIncomingConnections( NavDir ) to CNavArea.GetIncomingConnectionsAtSide( NavDir ) * Renamed CNavArea.GetAllIncomingConnections() to CNavArea.GetIncomingConnections()
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Rename new CRecipientFilter functions to AddPAS and GetCount
10 Years Ago
* Updated BASS.DLL to 2.4.11 * stopsound now also stops all BASS.DLL sounds * Added Panel:GetZPos() * Added CRecipientFilter:AddRecipientsByPAS( vec ) * Added CRecipientFilter:GetRecipientCount() * Added second optional argument to CreateSound() - channel
10 Years Ago
* Added custom icon for srcds.exe
10 Years Ago
* Added CNavArea.GetIncomingConnections( NavDir ) * Added CNavArea.GetAllIncomingConnections() * GMPublish: Removed the need for steam_appid.txt * Fixed Hammer making Steam show you as playing Garry's Mod * Added navmesh for gm_flatgrass
10 Years Ago
* Fixed Lua fonts being deleted on resolution change * Fixed bad NextBot collisions with players by default * Fixed NextBots not being able to walk through PLAYERCLIP brushes by default * Added NextBot.GetSolidMask() * Added NextBot.SetSolidMask( int ) * Prevented servers from being able to force screen resolution on players
10 Years Ago
* Fixed Lua errors when printing invalid Panels and Physics objects * Added navmesh.GetAllNavAreas() * Added navmesh.GetNavLadderByID() * Added CNavLadder class ( experimental ) * Added CNavLadder.IsUsableByTeam( int team, int ladderDirection ) * Added CNavLadder.GetPosAtHeight( float height ) * Added CNavLadder.GetNormal() * Added CNavLadder.GetLadderEntity() * Added CNavLadder.IsValid() * Added CNavLadder.GetID() * Added CNavArea.IsValid() * Updated gm_construct nav file to be less shit
10 Years Ago
* Rolled back OSX Bootil ChangeMonitor * Updated a ton of more spawnicons * Rolled back "Out-of-range value (%f) in SendPropFloat" being restricted to developer 1 ( The actual issue that caused this is already fixed ) * GitSync
10 Years Ago
* GitSync * Updated a ton spawnicons for tool model selection
10 Years Ago
Fix Bootil not building on OS X
10 Years Ago
* GitSync * Updated Bootil to latest version once again
10 Years Ago
* Updated Bootil again
10 Years Ago
Rollback Changes.cpp for now
10 Years Ago
* GitSync * Updated Bootil to latest version: ** Fixes autorefresh not working with symbolic links ** Fixes GMad on Linux and OSX.
10 Years Ago
* Added CLuaLocomotion.GetMaxYawRate() & CLuaLocomotion.SetMaxYawRate( float ) * Added Entity.CollisionRulesChanged() * Added PhysObj.RecheckCollisionFilter() * Added CLuaEmitter.Is3D() & CLuaEmitter.GetPos() * Added navmesh.GetNearestNavArea( pos, anyZ = false, distance = 10000, checkLOS = false, checkGround = true, team = -2 ) * Added CNavArea.GetRandomPoint() & CNavArea.GetCenter() * Added CNavArea.GetAttributes() & CNavArea.HasAttributes( int ) * Added CNavArea.GetAdjacentCount( NavDirType ) & CNavArea.GetAdjacentArea( NavDirType, int ) & CNavArea.GetRandomAdjacentArea( NavDirType ) * Added CNavArea.GetAdjacentAreas( NavDirType ) & CNavArea.GetAllAdjacentAreas() * Added CNavArea.IsConnected( CNavArea ) & CNavArea.IsOverlappingArea( CNavArea ) * Added CNavArea.ComputeGroundHeightChange( CNavArea ) & CNavArea.ComputeDirection( Vector )
10 Years Ago
* Fixed Combine Helicopter, Floor Turret, Dropship & Gunship bleeding in multiplayer * Increased env_projectedtexture max distance to 32768 in MP * Fixed Stalkers leaving their beams after they are removed and not bleeding
10 Years Ago
* Increased MaxDistance of env_projectedtexture from 1500 to 10240 in Multi Player * Added 'ent' argument to Nextbot:OnLeaveGround & Nextbot:OnLandOnGround * Added 'victim' and 'damageinfo' arguments to Nextbot:OnOtherKilled * Added Nextbot:OnContact( ent ) * Added Nextbot:OnIgnite() * Added Nextbot:OnNavAreaChanged( old, new )
10 Years Ago
* Added some sort of error to HTTP Download errors
10 Years Ago
* Fixed SetHullDuck not working properly
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
* Fixed ambient_generic not working in some cases * Added Alyxgun sounds from EP1 ( How did they work in HL2? ) * Added materials for HL1 gibs
10 Years Ago
Fix another compile errar
10 Years Ago