branchGarrys Mod/main/chromium/gocancel
287 Commits over 1,765 Days - 0.01cph!
Updating CEF to 86.0.4240.198 on Windows 32/64 builds
update steam binaries for windows/linux
merge from main up until steamworks update
▆▉▄ ▊▊▅▄▋█▋▅▊ ▆▅▆▌▅▌ ▋▅ ▄ ▉▅█▆ ▄▌▇▆█▅ ▆█▅ :(
Probably fixed Keyvalues loading integer values incorrectly on 64bit linux/osx
get rid of added code, it was a compiler bug after all as suspected
Touch VPCs for server/client, maybe the crashes will make more sense
Update bass.dll (mp3free) to 2.4.15
▋▋▊ ▍▌█▋▉▊▌▄ ▇▉▌ ▋▋▆▇▍ ▆▌ ▄▍█ ▌▋▉▆▄▍▋▆ ▆█▇▋▄ █▋▌▄▆▊▅▋▊ ▇▉▆▇▍▍ ▌▋▅▋▌▅
Cherrypick voice delay fix
▄▅▊▄▌▆▍█ ▋▄██▍▌▉ ▌▋▄▉▊▉▌▄▊▊ ▌▌ █▊██▊ ▆█▋▅▆▅▅▄
Restore the old find concommand
cherry pick non networking related changes
Lambdas not allowed either
Try to appease Apple gods
merge nextbot performance changes
merge slider constraint fix
merge constraint crash fix
PlasticSCM is a horrible piece of software
merge from main 2, hopefully this doesn't explode