
18 Commits over 31 Days - 0.02cph!

10 Days Ago
prevent charge station from healing above 100 hp
15 Days Ago
don't add shoot delay if shotgun right click fails shotgun left click without ammo does auto reload shotgun right click with only 1 ammo does single shot instead of doing nothing change pitch of shotgun right click sound
15 Days Ago
show notice when getting a weapon pickup prevent redundant weapon pickup notices, eg. showing both "Hand Grenade" & "grenade x 1" change grenade/satchel StartingAmmo from 2 to 1
15 Days Ago
refresh open inventory UI when getting new weapon fix hud gameobject typo prevent triggering long jump in air
15 Days Ago
prevent long jump input making bots jump too rename tripwire ammo display name to tripmine coffins can have LongJumpModule pickup notice for long jump module fix missing long jump sound
16 Days Ago
coffins contain ammo don't show notice when gaining ammo if we already had max amount
16 Days Ago
check active inventory item instead of "held" since player's active weapon can be set in other places besides inventory input
17 Days Ago
prevent number keys from selecting 2nd weapon in other slot rename currentSlot to currentIndex to remove ambiguity with weapon slot
17 Days Ago
set up tripmine kill icon
17 Days Ago
flip icons horizontally for shotgun/gauss/rat so killfeed icon points right
17 Days Ago
kill icons for grenade/rpg/rat
18 Days Ago
satchel kill icon
18 Days Ago
set thrown satchel Player property, so kills are credited
19 Days Ago
glock/mp5 aim cone matches crosshair
19 Days Ago
restore gluon svg icon
19 Days Ago
restore crossbow bolt svg icon
19 Days Ago
straighten crossbow bolt prefab model
23 Days Ago
gluon/gauss give ammo on pickup if you didn't have the weapon, defined in StartingAmmo field