14,166 Commits over 1,583 Days - 0.37cph!
Make 'Couldn't load menu assembly' error contain the whitelist errors
Change Host.Color for servers from Blue to Cyan for better readability
Initial work on auto saving navs to vpk
Allow saving navs to VPK automatically
remove garbage comment
Simplify VPK extraction and creation for cubemaps and nav
Merge pull request #112 from Facepunch/nav-vpk
Allow saving nav_save to write directly to VPKs
Citizen/animgraph: updated jump animation + other tweaks/fixes
Fixed CollisionGroup.Always acting as a ladder
prop_physics debris/weapon collision groups work as expected
BaseWeapon can hit debris
Fixed ModelDoc crashing when compiling a gamedata node with no valid FGD class
Added ModelDoc.Line/EditorWidget/HandPose attributes
Save sound loop setting in *.encoding.txt so it's not reset on recompiles
Apply lock on AllAttributes in Library.GetType just like other Library.Get methods
try-catch ModelBreakCommand execution
Added PropGib entity which is spawned as gibs instead of Prop, and carries some extra data
Implemented (and moved to managed) break_create_joint_revolute model break command
ModelDoc: Rotate view with model rotation when using ctrl+rmouse, useful for testing lighting https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b2211b1/ryvQMNslWw.mp4
ModelDoc: Rotate viewmodel camera with model rotation
Fixed ModelDoc mesh import filter not hiding duplicate counter labels when filtering
Citizen/animgraph: updated landing
Citizen/animgraph: airborne side selector
(During the post-jumping airborne state, the legs will now match the weapon pose; that is to say, which leg should be forward, if either. This is implemented thanks to Tags on Single Frame nodes)
Add splitting and physics to experimental voxel surface
adding hotspot material/textures, attach rope particles, prefabs
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Break glass on touch if the panel is broken, allows players to move through it easier
Fixed stack overflow when deleting models with lots of models of models
Fix Event.Hotload not calling on the server, fixes network tables not updating on hotload and probably other shit
Fixed blendable materials not getting their 'Blend Material` tag
Existing materials will need to be recompiled for this to take effect
Don't try to break glass that's already broken
info_particle_system fixes
Fixed not working in skybox
Fixed the particle not being attached to the entity itself correctly
Added 'Snapshot File' property
Fixed it not sending itself to clients always
Fixed it not showing its particle path in Entity Report in Hammer
Fixed Hammer showing custom ModelDoc nodes as entities
FGDWriter reads XML correctly for properties
func_shatterglass additions & changes
Added support for parenting in Hammer
Added Break input
Added OnBreak output
Replaced "Is in a frame" property with a "contraint" property - has 1 extra selection for physics glass that starts asleep
Fix light_environment's sky lighting keyvalues not being setup correctly
Animgraph: Add support for tags on single frame anim nodes (needs testing)
Citizen/animgraph: updated jump anim and airborne poses+blends
Removed debug output from FGDWriter
Make Hammer.EntityTool Attribute not inherited
Moved light_environment to engine.fgd (is now auto generated)
fade distances and range properties were not moved as they appear to do nothing and make no sense on that entity anyway.
Restore light_environment's description in Hammer
Restore and make obsolete PointLightEntity.LightCookie
Added Hammer.SkipProperty attribute
Allows properties of parent classes to be hidden in the FGD
light_omni, light_ortho and light_spot are now auto generated into engine.fgd
Support vector2 types properly in fgd and tools
Texture and Rotation support for custom Hammer properties
Prevent stack overflows in FGDWriter
Don't write read only properties, and don't write properties whose type is same as the parent class type
Vector2 can load from object in a JSON
Satellite dish - added lods for whole dish and rounded lod0 edge on dish
street cabinet 3 - material adjustments
Street cabinets - revised street cabinet 1 2 and 3
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
EditorModelAttribute can do different color tint when the entity is dynamic (for lights)
Added Hammer.CanBeClientsideOnlyAttribute
Added 2 internal Hammer helper attributes
Citizen/animgraph: updated Jump anim
Give Logger object overloads
Trace.Box + Trace.Sphere + Trace.Capsule (#107)
Fix compile warning with SoundEvent asset type
Log is now a Logger on GlobalNamespace, automatically named per Host
Fix tools startup failing if temp/valve doesn't exist
updated construct / mat/ textures
Make sure we update our GameAssembly hash on initial load, fixes all networking errors
Make non public and inherited methods register for events again
Update version for vswhere