14,020 Commits over 1,583 Days - 0.37cph!
Delete CMaterialSystem2AppSystemDict::CreateMainConsoleWindow (dx9 hack)
Whitelist Delegate.GetInvocationList() and Delegate.DynamicInvoke( System.Object[] )
Change mount logic in OnPostCompileFinished, call SceneMap.OnMapUpdated regardless. Make async and add short delays
Scope to active scene time when ticking panels
"disconnect" now behaves closer to Source, by closing your game if it's not networked
Human Citizen Rough outfit initial set up
Support Scene.trace.Body (todo: multi, sweep) https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b1211b1/sbox-dev_G86CwDirl8.mp4
Fied not showing the decrease grid size button (oops)
Two columns for input bind list
Setting SceneModel.AnimationGraph to null resets to model animgraph instead of crashing
Added Game Binds modal (accessible via Game.Overlay.ShowBinds())
Fix ColorControlWidget popup not constraining to screen
Don't pass input to SceneView when clicking its toolbar
Creating an invalid hull or mesh physics shape will always return a valid shape (tiny sphere) so warn when this happens
Constrain to screen input action delete & edit popups
Title case and remove whitespace when creating new components
Add Rigidbody.MassOverride
Fixed FileSystem.NormalizeFilename changing \ to // in paths instead of to /. This fixes hotloading of .scss files in regular razor Panel (PanelComponent was fine)
Save gizmo settings into a project cookie
Added toggle gizmos shortcut
Pass selection when editing tree nodes to support multi-select editing (https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b1211b1/sbox_Ji28uTwTuF.mp4)
Delete duplicate Scenes\minimal.scene now that Windows has picked it up
Update minimal template scenes case sensitivity
cherry-pick: Fixed Input.Released/Pressed when using a controller
Disable fast hotload when failing to init DetourFactory
Add plane collider because I'm sick of thin boxes being used for floors
Show a big popup when you don't have a code editor installed and you try to open something
Add "Open Containing Folder" to scene tab buttons, found myself wanting this a few times this week
Fixed "folowing" typo I made a couple weeks ago when saving a scene
Prefab 2 -> Prefab
PrefabScene: create a root object if there isn't one (case: creating a Prefab from Asset Browser)
Fixed private [Property] not showing up in node list
Re-use the shader compile error window, so we can keep it open while iterating. We need a better way to do this tbh.
Add global usings to minimal project
Make minimal scene less reflective
Add adjusting camera speed with mouse wheel in editor first person camera
Add try catch to ControlObjectWidget so we don't break inspector with incompatible classes
Cascade tag changes to ModelPhysics body shapes
Made DynamicSceneObject not use CMeshBuilder2 (really was no need)
Add LineStrip , LineStripWithAdjacency
Expose style functions
Canvas class - internal for now
Add Widget.UpdateGeometry()
Add IStyleTarget, to remove direct panel usage from StyleBlock / StyleSelector
Correctly ignore razor files in editor/ unittest/
This BoundingBoxEditorTool is implemented completely wrong
Make Scene DragDrop more modular
Can drag drop materials into scene
If we have no code editors - display an error in the combo box https://files.facepunch.com/devultj/1b0511b1/sbox_pOJmfb1JBE.png
ShaderGraph preview target spir-v only properly
Fix GetSearchPathArgs fucking up after more than 1 usage, fixes failing shader compiles
Add some more safety checks around joint creation
Fix vkCmdPipelineBarrier-dstStageMask-07949
tools_wireframe.shader: strip S_MOBILE properly and remove unused vertex input
Fix array oob in CreateIpBasedSocket
Maybe this is pissing off the build server
Wrap interop calls in __try, __except - last resort. Disable AddVectoredExceptionHandler.
Remove joint from broken joint list before it gets deleted
Extra try to make sure this isn't an exception from c#
Fix NRE in MapViewDropTarget
Delete this, causes problems
this TransformInterpolation needs looking at properly, but this fixes an error for now
Fix Light exceptions
Nicer feedback when _sceneObject isn't null in OnEnabled
We have a bug here I think, where OnEnabled can be called before OnDisabled is called.