
11,315 Commits over 1,338 Days - 0.35cph!

55 Days Ago
Revert verifying bound samplers & images until I fix these bad bindings
55 Days Ago
Debug string for CTextureManagerVulkan::GetTextureResource Whitelist some more common exception types Vulkan: Verify bound samplers and images
55 Days Ago
Nicer exception logging / stack trace for Action Graph exceptions Push EditorNodeLibrary in Asset.TryLoadGameResource()
55 Days Ago
Clean up opening editor for a given action graph Implement inspecting action graph elements Make sure ActionGraph GUIDs are unique too Make sure embedded expression graphs have an input node Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5253 Hide input node for expression graphs with no inputs
55 Days Ago
Push NodeLibrary scope for ActionGraphResource Facepunch/sbox-issues#5244 Make sure NodeLibrary scope is pushed when deserializing components Facepunch/sbox-issues#5244
55 Days Ago
VFX_MAX_SAMPLERS is 16 (matches VFX_MAX_SAMPLERS_PER_STAGE and RENDERSYSTEM_MAX_SAMPLERS ) - there is no reason a shader should have more samplers than this These sanity checks aren't sane, textures aren't samplerstates. A proper sanity check already exists in CVfxVulkan::CompileSource Use more common samplers for volume fog, vr lighting. Add g_sBilinearClamp & g_sPointClamp common samplers Fix error texture spam by making sure "EnvironmentMap" is always valid Dark mode non editor window Vulkan: Aftermath is opt-in with -aftermath, costly callstack info with -aftermath_full Recompile sprite shader
55 Days Ago
CreateModelFromMeshFile uses modeldoc directly to create the document and save instead of using a vmdl template. This has huge potential now that I know it works.
56 Days Ago
Fix api query
56 Days Ago
Don't check require component while deserializing, wait until post deserialize
56 Days Ago
Warn Nvidia driver 551.23 for known issues Stop compiling rendersystemdx11, remove -dx11 switch Clean up IRenderHardwareConfig no need for all this DX8/360 crap, remove dxsupport.cfg override vfxcompile: stop compiling dxbc, remove vfx_dx11 Remove "Compile Optimized Shaders", spirv-opt always runs
56 Days Ago
Set bindpose transforms before applying physics bones ModelBoneTransformProxy.SetWorldTransform needs to set the bone transform local to the renderer transform, fixes bones blowing up when moving them in editor
56 Days Ago
Update height clamp
56 Days Ago
Update API URL
56 Days Ago
Parse commandline properly to prevent projects with `-test` in the name breaking sbox-issues/issues/5208 Test for multiple keyframe percentages (sbox-issues/issues/5168) Support multiple keyframe percentages e.g. ```scss @keyframes tilt { 0%, 10% { transform: rotate(0deg) scale(1); transform-origin: center; } } ``` sbox-issues/issues/5168 Vector2Int, Vector3Int sbox-issues/issues/4995
56 Days Ago
Allow avatar tint editing
56 Days Ago
Temp comment out this line to fix tests
56 Days Ago
Object Snapshot Refresh (#1500) * Initial commit * Component id + prune those for refresh as well * Serialize id properly * OnRefresh * Fix refresh for bones * Revert comp ids on this branch * Use Id not __id as that is what was settled with for Component Ids * When a component is added to a GameObject after it has been network spawned, and it has Sync vars we should register them with the network table * Don't do on the root though save that for the multi-comp PR * Include latest table snapshot with full refresh. Update to support __guid * Undo this bit * Added Connection.CanRefreshObjects permission (def: true) * Add checks for CanRefreshObjects to Network.Refresh() and when OnObjectRefresh is called * Register properties recursively when sending network refresh or receiving one * Test to re-register Sync props after Network.Refresh * Make docs clearer * If a Component isn't valid then just set the property anyway for a Sync var * By default, clients (except host) can NOT refresh network objects. Host can change this with Connection.CanRefreshObjects * Some additional validation checks * Better logic * Fix issue with nested types not having correct identity hash for wrapped property codegen
56 Days Ago
Can switch between variants
56 Days Ago
Remove unused Remove buttons Show icon if item has alternates Clothing container stores height SkinnedModelRenderer stores animgraph params, applies them OnEnabled CitizenAnimationHelper - make Height nullable Height option on avatar, can mess with and annoy citizen Normalize clothing before applying Reset input config in menu Remove unused UI system gets game buttons when no game is loaded VSync menu option
56 Days Ago
Change Json.PushNodeLibrary() to NodeLibrary.Push() Call NodeLibrary.Push() instead of Scene.Push() if HostScene is null Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5244
56 Days Ago
ModelCollider uses mass and damping properties from model physics parts
56 Days Ago
Check if aaquality is a valid enum, users are likely to have outdated settings
56 Days Ago
Don't give gizmo mouse focus when it orbit mode
57 Days Ago
Better warning if we can't find ITagset Fixed ManualHitbox.HitboxTags being uneditable in the inspector (fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5231)
57 Days Ago
Fixed editing input action group not showing visible changes until re-opening project settings menu. Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5235
57 Days Ago
Fixed delete prompt having no content
57 Days Ago
Messed with input action panel dialogs, fix Facepunch/sbox-issues#5232
57 Days Ago
Don't flag SceneObject and SceneModel as ESceneObjectFlags.IS_OPAQUE, the materials should dictate it, fixes translucent materials drawing in opaque passes (& drawing twice)
57 Days Ago
Include panel parent in hash, fixes panel not rendering when parent is disabled and enabled
57 Days Ago
OnDestroyInternal calls OnDisabledInternal instead of OnDisabled Reset panel parent before deleting it
57 Days Ago
Nicer test for if nodes are operators
57 Days Ago
Fix deserializing ActionGraphs in Menu context (#1506)
57 Days Ago
Compile fix Max 8x msaa
57 Days Ago
Expose render settings to tools
57 Days Ago
Temporary fix for drag executing multiple times in one frame
57 Days Ago
PanelComponent uses internal enable, disable, update
57 Days Ago
Tweak citizen eye ao add compilled avatar scene (!)
57 Days Ago
Use faster _aligned_malloc in physics system
57 Days Ago
Only clear contacts on tag change if the contacts should have no interaction
57 Days Ago
Rework terrain casting and sweeping
58 Days Ago
Fix hair blue line Scene.Load ShowLoadingScreen actually works Update avatar scene Open avatar scene when you click the avatar button
58 Days Ago
Actually set D_MSAA combo on depth_downsample
58 Days Ago
Vulkan: Fix validation errors with MSAA disabled, this should fix a lot of crashing problems for people playing without MSAA
58 Days Ago
Terrain collision is per triangle again instead of per cell, should be 100% accurate
58 Days Ago
Fix terrain collider not updating on heightmap import
58 Days Ago
Inflate heightfield query cell bounds by 0.5, fixes terrain collision
58 Days Ago
Fix NRE in GraphInputNodeType.GetPath
58 Days Ago
Multi-Component Sync Vars + Sync Vars in Children (#1503) * Support for multiple components of the same type on a Network Object to have sync vars. Adding support for children of a network object that aren't themselves network objects to have components with Sync vars too * Register and unregister Sync properties for child gos/comps appropriately * It goes here * Also unregister/register sync properties accordingly when GameObject id changes * NetworkMode can't be changed from NetworkMode.Object if we are actually a networked object (_net is valid) * Simplify a bunch - allow setting property if slot not registered * Remove unused UnregisterProperties methods * Add a test to make sure child sync vars are added to network table * Suppress these warnings for now - there are legitimate reasons why we might not find these GOs * Suppress unknown slot
58 Days Ago
Asset inspector copy path uses RelativePath to stay consistent with asset browser copy path
58 Days Ago
Map instance only creates skinned model renderer for props if the model has skinned meshes or morphs