257,432 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Building blocks start off on the cheaper, more fragile "twig" set (non-balanced)
Removed health regen on building blocks
Placed building blocks start with max health
Upgrading a building block puts it on max health
Implemented topology, biome and color terrain map bakes and loads
Made terrain map bakes handle size mismatches gracefully
Removed NPCLocomotion raycast height snap fallback
Fixed harmless warning in PrefabPreProcess
Changed heightmap extraction from bake to runtime
Enabled normalmap extraction from compressed texture
Added runtime compression to colormap
Fixed cancelling queue'd craft not returning resources
Crafting can no longer take from or give to wearables slots
Items are no longer destroyed if inventory is full - they're dropped into the world
If furnace/campfire is full, will spit out items instead of losing them
Added drop notice
flipped court wear in u and v axis
Fixed walking/running stopping when closing inventory menu
Fixed chat box opening again on submit
Chat has scrollable history
Can click on avatars in chat to view steam profile
Fixed too many veritices in canvas error if lots of chatting
Audio channel game objects are now created in a container object, fixed audio source positions in the default cabinet.
Assembly name generation now includes the current process's ID, fixing conflicts occurring when multiple instances are open at once.
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
[racer] Uncommitted tweaks from last week.