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Possible fix for error in embedded player.
Post-build deployment, GUID: 2b1de985-054d-4a3e-a15b-3ae703f8885e
Merge branch 'deploy' of ssh://github.com/Facepunch/arcade
Added support for specifying a game to load from the command line.
Allow building to specific folder if command line is set
Log when official sever is rejected because it's not on the whitelist
Fixed pink viewmodel arms on b13
Fixed server compile error
Fixed that all rocks looked like metal in b13
Made my iceberg fix slightly less ghetto
Fixed icesheets being pink
Ghetto fixed icebergs being super shiny
Manually added temporary colliders to the snow trees as they are missing in the speedtree files
Made unused components on placeholder tree objects get deleted
Refactored decor system for better cross-frame load distribution and faster refreshing
checking in new lods, transition should much smoother.
Biome assets shouldnt require data generation on each load
BiomeManager no longer needs a Terrain the scene
Updated trefalls SO test scene to match new zone setup
GroupAgentsMoveTo now disables NavAgentMoveRandom, renable for all agents in group via context menu.
Added updated template scene
Fixed duplicate biome var in BiomeManager
Removed Season class and related editor scripts. Seasons now a part of the Biome class.
- Some PlayerController debug switch fixes, again.
- Couple of extra checks in SeasonManager to make sure transitions work (needs wizardly refactoring)
- Enabled wind randomisation again
Removed useless name variable from FoliageGroup
- FoliageGroup implemented. Zones are now assigned a Biome, which controls terrain and foliage tinting across Seasons.
- Tree prefabs updated to to use 2 materials for leaves/branches.
Added dev.culling <layername> <distance>
Added FoliageGroup ScriptableObject, not quite finished
Some small fixes to sit on me.
Tidied up Biome to make Pal paranoid
Biome ColorGroup must be a class, not a struct, to play ball with this editor button thing (fixed).
Renamed Season files because OCD and removed redundant foliage settings folder
Added Biome ScriptableObject, moved SeasonManager over to Biome specific asset tinting.
Putting tom's keypad on the code lock
Fixed so that multiple sleep slots work with the campfire (or any other SO with slots).
Fixed bug where agents never would smoothly snap into place when approaching a bench to sit on, or a campfire to sleep by.
Show warning overlay if EAC isn't running (for the people running from the exe)
Made UNITY_STANDALONE_X double-check for !UNITY_EDITOR (bug or feature?)
Moved branding overlay to uui
Removed wood piles from the spawn list (chop them trees, people)
.. now with less debug output
New, simpler melee vs building block damage procificency system (unbalanced)
Post-build deployment, GUID: 472afe33-86cc-4b78-b997-e7a16b736b55