256,441 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Removed Documentation submodule.
Some refactoring to prepare for allowing C# scripting.
Games can now be loaded from directories without a Resource subdirectory.
Backing up before I wreck shit.
Post-build deployment, GUID: aa7ee8a0-e56f-4a2f-b8cf-d064fd86699f
Merge branch 'master' into deploy
Fixed loading JS games chosen in the editor.
Setting up networking objects.
Building component level transitions
Added server blacklist for legacy (blocking 976 fake servers)
Added separate skew, twist and inset to the grass system (needs tweaking, backup commit)
updated player pickaxe idle source
updated player rock idle source
improved rock player idle
Updated building_basic_all.max
Building system revamp checkin
Post-build deployment, GUID: de371f50-43e4-4023-86f6-c6dd86e707e0
Merge branch 'master' into deploy
Now using Pngcs for image loading, indexed png files are now supported.
Updated SSAO
Enabled 2x downsampling on SSAO
Slightly increased SSAO intensity
Making a few changes to how networking is done.
Unduck if pressing jump while ducked
Post-build deployment, GUID: dfce4457-18eb-4215-95c8-8896ab2d7781
Authentication now all working properly.
Post-build deployment, GUID: c859f720-1e0c-434b-b171-33db6b7d581b
Merge branch 'master' into deploy
Game packages can now be loaded from files in the `Games` directory.
Scene updates apparently.
Added the FP networking wrapepr.
first pass on the fish model
Should fix EAC errors when more than 256 players on a server
Fixed not loading entity parents from saves (fixes missing locks on load)
Server always loads by default unless -skipload is on command line
Reversed earlier change to Lidgren
OmniSharp-induced code cleanup (even found one bug, yay!)