256,324 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

10 Years Ago
Linux Build 235
10 Years Ago
Added LayoutMapRes parameter to TerrainGenerator Added Upsample2D method to ImageProcessing Cleaned up ImageProcessing
10 Years Ago
Fixed blueprints sometimes not loading in editor
10 Years Ago
LinuxDS Build 146
10 Years Ago
Cleaned up protobuffer files Removed a bunch of debug output KeyLock/CodeLock save their codes properly
10 Years Ago
Server compile fixes
10 Years Ago
Toggle lock based on locked/unlocked
10 Years Ago
Locked saved properly
10 Years Ago
Door open/close working Cleaned up building prefab names Removed deployed_door item (now redundant) BaseEntity flags are now networked properly
10 Years Ago
Key crafting, locking, unlocking Fixed battery being craftable
10 Years Ago
OSX Build 233
10 Years Ago
Windows Build 146
10 Years Ago
Fixed some errors not logging
10 Years Ago
Error logger fudge
10 Years Ago
Touching MenuBackground + music
10 Years Ago
Merged to trunk
10 Years Ago
Finished functional web player that can download and run game packages.
10 Years Ago
building_basic_all source
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] added a bomb on each level for time pressure
10 Years Ago
added 3rd person eating animation
10 Years Ago
set up the prefab for the lantern_wm; unfortunately, i couldnt get it to use hinge physics.
10 Years Ago
Door/Lock interactions
10 Years Ago
BaseEntity Slots
10 Years Ago
Handle BaseEntity RPC Add RPC names to GameManifest
10 Years Ago
[ultimate_soldier] player & swat start in the entranceway
10 Years Ago
Done some more on the inventory stuff. Going to start on the networking stuff so that this can be synced ASAP!
10 Years Ago
Rocks, Deer, Bear, Human, Worldmachine source updates
10 Years Ago
- Re exported Human anims to fix some masking issues - Added Deer settings and related prefabs
10 Years Ago
New branch for item system unfuck
10 Years Ago
Island navmesh update
10 Years Ago
EAC update
10 Years Ago
Sync with GitHub + One more blocked convar
10 Years Ago
Lantern scale fix.
10 Years Ago
Obsolete file delete.
10 Years Ago
Lantern file for Goosey.
10 Years Ago
Player sort of hooks into the inventory itself. Could do with making all of this happen automagically.
10 Years Ago
Time of Day update to 2.3.1 prerelease 3
10 Years Ago
EAC client status
10 Years Ago
Made ignore.conf more generic with regards to UnityVS files
10 Years Ago
Time of Day update to 2.3.1 prerelease 2
10 Years Ago
- Added Deer and basic anims. - Moved A* into Third Party
10 Years Ago
Fixed gay issues with pivots etc.
10 Years Ago
Disabling water reflections should now give a much higher performance boost
10 Years Ago
Fixed issue with medical syringe leaving hand during player anims
10 Years Ago
* Fixed some addons not being able to be extracted. * Returned maps/*.png to game addon whilelist * Fixed Player:KillSilent not forcing player to exit vehicle, making him stuck dead * Fixed util.IsValidModel false-positives, now you can spawn big pipe from HL2 * Added more blocked commands to prevent servers from fukcing up players * Fixed materials/gm_construct/grass-sand.vmt $surfaceprop2
10 Years Ago
Added viewmodel bob to pickaxe prefab
10 Years Ago
Global tree experiment
10 Years Ago
updated player gesture source
10 Years Ago
Added a lootmenu which looks for near by objects that will be able to be added to a player menu.
10 Years Ago
- Updated A* Pathfinding Project to ver. 3.6 - Applied A*PP navigation to agent prefabs by default.