256,243 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Changed experimental to development
Added SwatchIndex struct for implicit conversions, started fixing Mazing.
Server browser layed out in a slightly nicer way.
Disabled TexturePostProcessor (was forcing all texture max width to 4069, instead of newly added - as was the intention)
Added server browser and some UI stuff. (it looks up the Rust servers for now because I have none!)
Time of Day update to 2.3.1 prerelease 1
Added steamworks and base scenes
Added AIObstacleMesh to all rocks
Re-added UnityEngine.UI.dll (fixes broken player nametags)
Updated ConvexHull
Added better normal gizmo to MeshInfo
Changed target bone for melee & tool weapons & re-positioned them (to fix weapons leaving hands)
Added trivial reject to AIObstacle
updated rigged vm stone hatchet source file
Started implementing the new palette and swatch system.
Added bootstrap and setup stuff and scenes
Installed Bolt. It's a real fuck about at the moment.
[ultimate_soldier] Reduced graphics bandwidth by using only two Tilemaps for the grid.
Changed background scene into a scene2prefab
Fixed default paused screen rendering.
Cleaning project up a bit. Going to add Bolt now I've learned it a bit and steamworks.net stuff.
Stripped out ravenclient - was causing freezes, slowdowns, find better solution
[ultimate_soldier] added friendly soldiers
3rd person shotgun animations done
- Added a WindManager script which randomly adjusts the global wind properties over time.
- Global Wind now drives the movement of WeatherVolumes
- WeatherManger spawning of WeatherVolumes has been reworked a bit, but is a little buggy.
[ultimate_soldier] tweaked rifle graphics
[ultimate_soldier] tweaked pistol graphics
[ultimate_soldier] added uzi
[ultimate_soldier] can look at rifle clip
[ultimate_soldier] cant shoot while looking at clip
[ultimate_soldier] pistol clip is drawn in center of screen when shown
Switching standard/terrain shader spec to physical-based params; Fixed a few issues
Preparing "Rust/Standard Legacy Terrain" for Petur's tests & feedback
- Added some ambient sounds for ocean, wind and storms.
- Ocean now has ambient sound attached
- WeatherVolumes play ambient sounds in 3d space, distances set by their size
- WeatherVolume FX spawning improved
- WeatherVolume now has optional WindZone component and WeatherType includes settings for it
adjusted the shotgun_wm model so it aligns properly with the 3rd person animations; added bota bag to the mecanim layers
Removed deprecated shaders; moving pvt shaders to play nicer with existing folder structure
Added standard/universal terrain shaders for legacy terrains; renamed existing to include procedural
Terrain and scene file for Diogo.
Completed AIObstacleMesh (might still need some optimizations)
Changed parallax distortion closer to previous setting (diff scaling)
Started optimizing PVT shaders; split tile rendering into near/far
Started cleaning up PVT and derived terrain shaders; paving the way to standard/universal
Added first version of standard/universal shaders; still need testing
Moved some PVT shaders and includes around; nothing major
Fixed parallax seams on PVT shaders
Added Rust.Bundle.Prefabs.FindObjectsOfTypeAll
Fixed stone Hatchet prefab
Try to load active map from bundle
Stripped error reporting (until we can find a less shit solution for raven)
WorldManager.get_unit_temparature() now properly returns temperature (including TOD and weather modifiers)
[ultimate_soldier] Some tweaks to level generation.