255,314 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.67cph!
Added initial ShinySphere LP assets.
commited w_rock meta file
Plain and moss rocks now color matched.
Tree testlevel env settings brought more in line with the procmap.
Fixed footsteps being crazy loud
crouchwalk / jogging animations for when the player is holding a bow
Added Camera Controller and Created basic snapping to HEM methods
updated rock holdtype anims
updated player torch anims
tweaked view model torch anims
updated held position of torch
changed world model rock prefab
fixed rock holdtype stand / attack anims
Disabled auto material import for some meshes
Fixed invisible shrub prefab.
Fixed wall prefab corner models
world models should use r_prop bone by default
conditional models skin system (wip)
Temporarily added TestLevelTrees
Mismatched green on leaves125.
Organizing minor secondary trees
updated anim controller for torch. Now contains lit idle / attack / hit triggers
new exported anims for the torch
Fixid some missing materials on snow rocks, removed height blending from the shader as the normal map is doing most of the work now.
Fixed rcon console variables not working
Minor changes:
Adjusted the way the world model of a weapon is set when drawn on the local player
Fixed physgun constantly trying to drop and grab a prop its owner is currently standing on
Merge from terrgen
Fixed missing material references on almost all snow rocks (careful with material meta files)
Grid Containers now survive assembly reloads
Updated spawn handler prefab
Added min/max values to all filter types, added temperature filter
fixed Renegade leaving timescale at zero on quit
Save userlist properly
Print to server console when an owner/moderator joins
Added Camera and Mouse scripts and prefabs. Still tidying HEM.
Fixed user/ban list not loading on dedicated server
Started work on some minor secondary trees for various forest types.