userSam Pavloviccancel

558 Commits over 1,247 Days - 0.02cph!

1 Year Ago
Pass to shader pipeline if we're rendering on skybox, fix glass reprojection being fucked up on skybox
1 Year Ago
Fix glass not showing properly on tools view Just set the max swapchain dimension to be the largest monitor dimension again, causes less problems while in tools mode, guarantees we won't have edge problems
1 Year Ago
Fix glass depth being fetched incorrectly in MSAA levels
1 Year Ago
Get the dimension of the biggest used axis for calculating swapchain dimensions, fixes FB copies having wrong dimensions on tools, allow texture downsamples to only downsample a region
1 Year Ago
Let decals do software-based culling, avoids slow copy of the depth buffer just to do redundant culling, that was also causing problems
1 Year Ago
Fix framebuffer copies taking wrong dimensions Revert "Don't dispose of temp rendertarget when trying to resolve it again", This needs more thought and was causing problems This reverts commit 6ee43b38e629221c8b8faa2c43d6eb3fa81f6afb.
1 Year Ago
Remap parameters from deprecated shaders still referenced in cloud materials
1 Year Ago
Glass2 (#936) * Start recoding the glass shader from scratch * Apply FrameBufferCopyTexture to entire layer rather than batch, fixes some batches returning a null texture * Let Material API handle translucency opacity properly and accounting for specular, still need to account for tint opacity * Iterate on new glass * Randomize shatterglass normals * Add overlay layer and cheap rough refraction * Downsample framebuffercopytexture to be used when needed * Translucent shadows for glass * Redo downsample shader to work properly without flickering, right now with just gaussian since we don't use any others right now * Pass downsample method before ComputeRenderablePassesForContext * Cleanup glass shader, fix VR and Tools preview * glass.shader_c * Update glass materials and glass blur range * Don't dispose of temp rendertarget when trying to resolve it again, GetTemporary gets from dict, fixes multiple ui blur fetches, this solution was causing issues before but seems fine now we're hashing every parameter * Do 1px feathering on CopyFrameBufferCached to avoid sampling without real intersection * Remove hacks from GenerateMips, rewrite downsample_cs to support other mip generation methods * Fix FBCopies showing incorrectly on tools * Fix comment that slipped through experimentation, add more explaination to Cheap Glass and Overlay Layer
1 Year Ago
Redo downsample shader to work properly without flickering, right now with just gaussian since we don't use any others right now Don't dispose of temp rendertarget when trying to resolve it again, GetTemporary gets from dict, fixes multiple ui blur fetches, this solution was causing issues before but seems fine now we're hashing every parameter Do 1px feathering on CopyFrameBufferCached to avoid sampling without real intersection Remove hacks from GenerateMips, rewrite downsample_cs to support other mip generation methods Update compiled skin shader with glow-in-dark fixes
1 Year Ago
Fix specifc shaders github action job referencing from the shader yml
1 Year Ago
Fix two lobe speculars not normalizing it's brightness (Skin glowing on dark)
1 Year Ago
Remove SFM/Dota/Etc stuff from rendering pipeline (#904) * Initialize lightShades so we don't get undefined behaviour when summing them, should still be mostly stubbed out by the compiler anyway if shadingmodel doesn't use it * Delete all code, shaders and dependencies from other rendering pipelines * Rewrite visualize_physics without deferred and deprecated stuff, also fix a bug with depth sorting * Fix references to old pipelines on remainder of shaders * Fix debug_sunshadow, update all_shaders list and delete compiled shaders for stuff we don't use anymore * Remove HSL Grain and old Volumetrics from SFM, note that SFM lights already cast volumetrics in our pipeline without that * Fix crash on moviedoc on maps with volumetrics * Revert deletion of debug_sunshadow_vis.vmat * Put RecoverWorldPosFromProjectedDepthAndRay on shared code
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Don't compile shader if they exceed our VFX_MAX_SAMPLERS
1 Year Ago
Support for multidimentional arrays on vfx Use HDR fog clipmaps
1 Year Ago
Ship compiled Complex with POM
1 Year Ago
Update lightcookie slices rendering incorrectly when a slice is removed, fix it running 16x times more than needed too
1 Year Ago
Add parallax to complex, also add lighting offsetting to it
1 Year Ago
Experiment with a higher clustered mesh volume on map compile Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
Be able to rotate fog volumes Test transformed AABB for fog visibility tests Pass world to volume on client, update volumetric_fog_controller helper based on rotated bounds, update fgd Recompile fog shader
1 Year Ago
Fix volumetric lights not working for sunlights, both in hammer viewport and baked light
1 Year Ago
Encode tintmask on unused channel of normal map so we don't need a combo to store translucency in Material API
1 Year Ago
Fix scenesystem generating an incorrect volumetric fog preview when there's no fog volumes in the map
1 Year Ago
Simplify how baked fog is declared internally and make it much less confusing for end users Disable baked fog on hammer
1 Year Ago
Fix temp depth rendertargets hashing incorrectly when changing MSAA setting
1 Year Ago
Use a capsule rather than sphere for ripplecompute, send velocity data to ripplecompute, makes ripples seem fully connected even in low franerates Tag r_water_ripples to be removed from engine on next painday :S Fix intersection flickering in SDF reflections Make water ripples feel much more natural, fix it exploding Fix water collision not working, tweak water ripple propagation
1 Year Ago
Update shaders with NaN fix for directional lightmaps
1 Year Ago
Bring directional lightmap variable changes to standard shading api
1 Year Ago
Fix NaN on directional lightmaps
1 Year Ago
Fix front samples need less taps
1 Year Ago
Add front facing dof blur Add options for front/back blur to DofPanel Do inverse fetch for back pass filtering
1 Year Ago
Remove stuff from renderingworld that's from old renderpipelines ( Old SSAO, Old SSR, Dota Depth Prepass, retinaburn ) Fix shadowing on standard shading model, also fixes shadowing on debug visualizations for custom shaders Remove r_ssr and ssao ref from mapdoc
1 Year Ago
Make sure we're passing lighting constants to screenspace particles
1 Year Ago
Update shaders
1 Year Ago
Don't draw baked fog lighting on hammer, was causing volumetric fog to be drawn twice after compile
1 Year Ago
Fix how screenspace particles are drawn, just draw them directly rather than allocating another render texture to them Only show VR overlay for screenspace particles if we're on VR mode, update post_process shader
1 Year Ago
Fix some stuff and pull reflection compositing changes from SSR branch so we don't need to compile shaders twice when that's merged
1 Year Ago
Add option to control cubemap feathering
1 Year Ago
Fix cubemap reflections debug vis to have correct behaviour, queued by a shader compile
1 Year Ago
Fix blendable only showing one channel
1 Year Ago
Cleanup Shader ID preview, add more preview modes to tools UI
1 Year Ago
Fix CUBEMAP_REFLECTIONS debug view on both material api and valve code, needs a full shader compile Remove ShaderIDColors list, shader id colors list is generated procedually, add baked lightmapping debug modes to material API Recompile blendable with latest changes
1 Year Ago
Darken directional AO results a tiny bit to have better contact Fix most debug views
1 Year Ago
Fix tangent generation not working correctly for ShadingModelValveStandard, fixes directional lightmaps looking messy on custom shaders
1 Year Ago
Fix remainder of debug vis on Material API shaders Recompile blendable with debug vis support
1 Year Ago
Fix shader lightmapping Update blendable shader
1 Year Ago
Do downsampling in multiple passes, makes the code simpler, bypasses fuckery with the GPU memory controller and cost is basically the same Add remaining mip downsample levels
1 Year Ago
Move objecthighlight shader from code directory to content directory, fixes being able to join multiplayer games
1 Year Ago
Set maximum of 8 mixed light shadows at once, doesn't impact perf much
1 Year Ago
Adjust light heuristics Smooth fade in shadows